Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Awful twitter handle

Sad all round.

I don’t agree with her on lots of things but it’s pretty sad that you can’t have a different opinion based on your own judgement. It’s the Salem Witch Trials again.

Also, I know the woke crew have it in for her but it really is not a good look to bully a woman off the airwaves.

Was she taking a very extreme/controversial view? or just a case taking a view the twitterati didn’t agree with?

She was accused of advocating herd immunity although I gather she actually didn’t

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It’s completely impractical to have a hospital in a place that isn’t a hospital. It was for a surge and there is no surge. Hospitals are full but no more than always

I saw a twitter post off some anonymous randomer this week comparing her to Gemma O’Doherty. This post had 50+ likes. I think I posted it here a few days ago.

Dr Ciara obviously was a pioneer of facemask wearing in this country long before NPHET were onto it. And in fact her Twitter profile pic just before she deleted her account was of herself wearing a mask.

If the Woke crew have frightened her out then that’s a deeply sinister development. This is getting comparable to MacCathy-ism in the USA or the Archbishop MacQuaid period in Ireland.


Regardless of your political persuasion, if you are not scared of what’s happening currently then you have to be either dumb as a rock or hopelessly blinded by ideology, which effectively makes you dumb as a rock. How the fuck did we get to the point where the truth cannot be reported, and anyone attempting to report the truth is vilified as a danger to society?


think someone here said months ago that she changed her mind on schools closing to match the mood of the public…

She outed some wee girl who was raped live on radio one day and has never apologised.Shes a bit of a cunt and I agree with her on very little but she’s correct on covid tbf

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Dr Kellys opinion is not the truth. It’s her opinion.

She should be able to have her opinion, but shes equally naive to think she can go so strong on an emotive matter and not get backlash

This happened on her talk show.

A girl was raped live on radio?

I usent have much time for Dr Ciara especially after her Cheltenham comments but she seems to have seen the light in recent months.

Seems like a bit of craic and would have a few stories to tell I’d say.

Outed as in doxxed?

Maybe Ivan Yates will return now to be her knight in shining armour

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Thou shalt alway live by the 10 Commandments of NPHET

Ten Commandments

  • Tony is the LORD thy God.
  • No other gods before me .
  • No graven images, likenesses, tweets or remarks against our Tony
  • Not take the Tony’s name in vain.
  • Remember the daily figures and whatever matrix suits the fear narrative.
  • Honour thy father and thy mother, enjoying glide and going beyond 5km will murder them.
  • Thou shalt not kill, not wearing masks and house partys will kill everyone you know and love.
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery, shifting anyone outside your household
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I think you’re the naive one. My point was a general one, not specifically about this individual. If you don’t accept that there is a narrative that the establishment want to push on Covid with the willing cooperation of the media they control, they you must be in one of the two categories I mentioned,


The problem here is that you think your opinion is the truth too. So much so that you’ve invented a conspiracy that the “establishment is pushing an agenda”.

Who are the establishment? What’s the agenda?


What did Ciara Kelly do? Is she not one of the right on brigade?

I didnt like her until her opinion aligned with mine and now I think she’s great craic



Ffg and NPHET are the establishment and the narrative is fear. Theres about 5 treads about it on here if you need some research

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