Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He works for the HSE and advocated herd immunity. His position as a fairly high up was untenable.

If you were managing Dublin Airport and you advised everyone to go to dublin port and get on boats instead its safer. Would you be taken to one side?


Yeah so removed because he didn’t agree with the NPHET narrative. Glad we agree

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He resigned because he publicly went against the strategy his employer, the HSE is implementing with regard to a public health crisis

Yeah so removed because he disagreed with the narrative.

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That one doesn’t get to me. You don’t take well to people disagreeing with you do you?

In that case he is on the correct side of the argument, as the HSE is run by a bunch of morons.

Doesn’t bother me. But you’ve turned into a yapping dog on this. Bit like poor old Sid really.


Have we established the difference yet between one being ‘removed’ and one deleting ones twitter account?
I would say one being removed is serious, whereas anyone with half a brain really should delete their twitter account

I’m barking back at the lads you seem to agree with.
I dont see you calling them out.

Do you think you’ll be able to shut me up by insulting me and comparing me to sid?

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Hoolahan is the biggest bollix to ever come out of limerick. He has now surpassed Dev and Michael noonan


Why would I call them out if I agree with them?

A fucking disgrace of a man. He’s in so deep now he’ll only get even worse from here on in


:grin::grin: so you agree that anybody who goes against the narrative is sidelined. I get what you’re doing to try to give balance but you’re all over the shop.

“Who is being sidelined for going against the narrative? Yes but he went against the narrative so he deserved to be sidelined.”

Think about that.


So it isn’t the yapping you’ve the problem with, it’s the disagreeing. Glad we cleared that up

It’s easy to see how authoritarian regimes take and keep power.


Control the media, a few useful idiots and the job is OXO.


The fella from Limerick prescribed drugs that were against guidance. He’s lucky he wasn’t struck off.

Fellas like you who are so against every little thing but will do absolutely fuck all about it?

Useless cunts :grinning:

This is outrageous. Ireland is being destroyed.

What are you gonna do.

Get bottles and post shit on tfk

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Pure Limerick ignorance is a blessing and a curse. Tony is he’ll bent on destroying the economy, drink culture, hopes and dreams of the country. He won’t stop. I blessed that I know my ignorance and ill argue anyone into the ground that disagrees

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