Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You are free to disagree. But your only argument is to squeal „there’s a pandemic” every half hour.


Hydroxychloroquine was authorized by the FDA for emergency use for Covid-19.

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He didnt/doesn’t work for the FDA

He bragged about it in one of those yellow vest rallies mate.

The main reason its got a bad name is trump claimed it was a treatment, at the time was unproven but now has data to support it may have a use. But the woke, leftist anti trump crowd refuse to acknowledge data and studies as the bad orange man may be right

I throw it in every now and again to remind the forgetful lads who seem to have forgotten that fact.

Tony’s from limerick?

It’s all starting to make sense

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Not like the collective to miss an important fact like that.

Someone reminded Tubs in his ear to ask Cardinal Tony about the effect on peoples jobs and businesses up and down the country with our extreme measures. The good Doctor took a deep gulp and said the Govt ‘mandated’ this course of action on behalf of the people. Not one flying fuck could he give

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We’ll shoot that one

I flagged this weeks ago that Tony’s mood went south when Pallas beat Cappamore in the East Junior B. This all stems from that

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Some lads here need to go sleep it off

You’d probably miss

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He loves the power he wields

Depends which one pulls the trigger

Did Ciara Kelly prescribe unsafe drugs?

Headball Tomas Ryan is an associate professor he’s a weird nerd with very little world experience, very little credentials and his “strategy” is zero covid which is absolutely impossible by any stretch of the imagination. He is given an almost constant platform and never questioned on his bullshit but anyone, including epidemiologists and frontline doctors, who question him are cancelled. You think that’s ok. You come across as an intelligent chap in ways but that’s completely absurd.


Passed it back to ffg who blame him. Typical civil servant takes no accountability

He has Breda and Nuala etc under his thumb. Thats where the real power lies and well he knows it

Did Ciara kelly lose her job or her twitter account?

I don’t advocate the abuse of anyone on social media, certainly not enough to run them off their account.

Thomas ryan has been destroyed on numerous occasions on clare byrne mate

At the time the drug was authorized in several European countries and there were several clinical trials going on in Europe. It’s not like he was recommending injecting Chlorox.

On the road at 6.30 tomorrow morning delivering ‘essential’ retail to customers’ houses. Business is booming.