Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He was giving azithromycin as well for covid, I dont think that is fda approved

Fighting the fight through the day and the night.

My respect lads.

The initial trials that showed promise were a combo of HCQ and azithromycin. A doctor doesn’t need regulatory approval to prescribe an antibiotic, they give them out like candy.

To give them out at cost to patients when the effects arent proven. HCQ is only proven to help those who are already fucked and in ICU. He said that himself afterward.

Do you think it was clever to brag about it in a public rally?

He was managing people who would have had the opposite opinion to him on covid. Other medical professionals. Certain positions require a decorum, would you agree with that?

At the time (March - April) there was no approved treatment so different things were being tried to attempt to save people. It’s what doctors do routinely, a lot of what they do is trial and error and more art than science. He wasn’t recommending anything that was unsafe for the people getting it as they were dying anyway, and it was authorized at the time.

I think you’re missing the bigger point.

Thou shalt not covet Archbishop Tony’s salary.

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My contacts in Italy are sending me videos of thousands of people on the streets of Napoli tonight, protesting. My contacts are saying it’s not confined to Naples and they’re comparing it to the French revolution. I’ve seen clips of some violence with the police also.

Problem is, as evidenced in Ireland, these are the very worst type of cunt. Look at the people publicly protesting lockdown here and I doubt thete is even one person on tfk (maybe I’m wrong?) who’d stand with them.


I asked my Italian contact and she said they were normal enough people and next time they want to be out with them.

The hidden issue here though is that TFK is run on a daily basis of 6 fellows using multiple aliaii, yourself and myself. Somewhat like the Colonial rule of 3 pissheads with graips * on shift work in the Castle and running the country.

  • FĂłgra muinteĂ­r Liatroma.
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A passenger gave one of the lads this


Beaten docket stuff, no need for it

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Lefties are LIDTF

I’d still prefer it to a poppy

Not sure what thread to put this on.


It’s a valid point, some lads have lost sight of that altogether. Criticise our response but keep it in context.

Also, I don’t agree with him on everything but he’s been quite reasonable. Using squeal like that is from the loser tradition of TFK, you know the types, you don’t want to be one of them.

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The machine doesn’t like to be questioned

Grand. What verb should I have used instead?

That’s a disgusting tweet.