Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Put it on the “Stupid Cunts who Twitter has provided a megaphone to enabling them to reach out to other stupid cunts” thread


Left wing partys supporting right wing policies. Worlds fucked, people are following or opposing the messages of politicians they like rather look into the policies to make a decision. Its happened in US for years and now its happening here

Particularly as she has challenged the ffg message. If the blueshorts had their way we would all be gassed to stop covid

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Level 6 for kildare

Anyone going to respond to this beauty no? I’d rather not be the one “squealing” again

I dont think you understand politics. These are the epitome of left wing policies. Government intervention, government influencing business etc, etc.

If you said right wing parties making left wing policies, you’d be somewhat closer to being right, but you’d still be wrong

Not shutting down the economy, spreading propaganda anyone who challenges the propaganda is cancelled and now trying to implement a police state?

I dont think the right would ever intentionally shut down the economy.

These policies are as left as you can get. The greater good, societal protection etc etc.

The other things you mention are the weapons of lunatics on both ends of the political spectrum.

I’ve seen plenty people challenging the restrictions and not getting cancelled. Theres a few rural tds fighting their fight.

Police state? Really?


This is another very well argued article from the IT. That makes 3/4 articles in the last couple of days from that paper seriously questioning the approach taken and the methods of decision making.


Saving a handful of 80 year olds is the opposite of societal protection though. You think society and economy aren’t intrinsically linked?

They are trying to protect the health service in general, to ensure sick people can get treated.

They’ve budgeted massively for social protection with supports and PUP

Don’t know where you got the second question from?

Do you think these are right wing policies too?

You let yourself down by resorting to the ‘you ran off to Kerry’ line so early, it was already over after that

Introduction of fines for non compliance? They were suggesting laws to allow the guards enter a home? The lockdown is going g to affect the poorest in society the most. The PUP isn’t going to bridge the gap in those affected to get them away fro. The poverty line. Other socialist policy’s that I want to see such as universal healthcare isn’t possible with our current set up as we can see. The capacity of the health system wasn’t increased, the solution by the government is rent the private hospitals off their ultra rich buddies for an extraordinary cost to the state, which will increase in tax woth no benefit to society, all systems but in place are based on government contracts to private operators not increasing the public sector. Anyone with creditablity who challenged the the lockdown have been dismissed as right wing lunatics, but the echos of the goverment message have been giving a free rain. Rte are a disgrace. And all this based on what we know is a not a deadly virus. In march we believed it was more deadly than it was and decisions at the time were made that were in line with that data but in hindsight were OTT. Still we push that same message


Try to isolate them. Get some emergency testing resources in. Don’t wait til Monday. The virus doesn’t take the weekend off.

this is the post I was referring to. Unchallenged.

there is a lot going on there bud. It’s a bit too messy for me to unravel.

Hope you get through this ok. It will end and things will go back to “real” normal.

I’m alright jack, doesn’t affect me personally too much I am concerned of the wider impact on society with this policies and how gullible people lap it up. In fairness you have your view point to which I disagree but you clearly have it more thought out than most people.

I’ve found it helps to narrow your focus to what you can actually do around you. You can’t control anything outside of that. It’s fair enough to be worried about these things, they are tangible worries. Making them your raison d’etre but without the ability to do anything about them wouldn’t be healthy for me anyway.

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This is the HSE we’re talking about