Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The county final must have been played on the hospital grounds last week.

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He seems to be the only actual ā€œ affected by COVID Poster ā€œ on TFK. Itā€™s bizarre how he has completely melted down in the last 2 months.

No actual comparison there at all.

Ryan is to be laughed at.

Prescribing unregulated drugs is not cool. To believe it is is actually bizarre no matter what side of the fence you are on.

Tomas Ryan is on Dunphyā€™s podcast fairly regularly. To show you how he lives in his world of academia. This is an exchange between them on the podcast back in August.

Tomas: Luke Oā€™Neill is an immunologist of world renown. Known globally.

Eamo: Heā€™s a bit like Lionel Messi.

Long pause

Tomas: I donā€™t know who that is.


Lads, I assumed all along this misfortunate was a WUM. Iā€™m beginning to think he believes all of those incessant essays he posts.

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I hope to god you are doing well because you seem to be slightly unhinged at the moment.

Reality of the angle you take is clear. You fear extra laws in relation to Gardai entering houses. You believe restrictions are nonsense. RTƉ are a Government cabal. Where is the extra hospital capacity that should have been created while virus numbers were lowā€¦Etc etcā€¦

Bottom line though, when numbers were low you were moaning about restrictions on numbers for attendees at games. You were moaning about restrictions on numbers in Pubs or nightclubs being closed etc etcā€¦

You donā€™t seem to give an actual fuck about staff working within hospitals?

Iā€™m as pissed off as the next guy at our inept Government and their shit leadership. Iā€™m raging over the HSEā€™s fudge of Contact Tracing.

But, this virus is not a Cod or Joke. It is rampant and needs to be controlled. Lax behaviour feeds it and bullshit about it being a cold is feeding utter simpletons into shocking bad behavioural habits.



You can believe the virus is a real, a threat and not a ā€œcodā€ (Iā€™ve deliberately never used that word), and still believe the measures in place are draconian and disproportionate. The virus is there. Like the vast majority of viruses (and every single previous Coronavirus) it may well be going nowhere. Itā€™s possible we may need to live with this virus for a long, long time.

When you consider the damage lockdown does, and especially if we are going to be having several more of them, I think we are doing more harm than good. I can honestly say my father, a healthy man for his age, has changed so much. His voice, the way he speaks, what he speaks about, his outlook on lifeā€¦itā€™s all changed and for the worse. Several of my mates have reported similar about their parents and grandparents. My own uncle, a single man who would have frequented the local most nights, is afraid to go outside his front gate.

Iā€™m going down to Limerick this evening, approximately 195km more than Iā€™m supposed to and legally allowed to, just to watch the hurling with my parents tomorrow. Life is about more than just remaining alive.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s anybody who wouldnā€™t respect your feelings expressed there.
But this thread is awfully intolerant in general of anything which goes against the contrarian TFK worldview,
Itā€™s a bit of a circlejerk


If it was a circlejerk it wouldnā€™t be so bad.

It probably is at times. The virus isnā€™t a cod and needs to be taken seriously. But itā€™s a balancing act and me (a completely unqualified random anonymous internet poster) feels we have the balance WAY off

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:clap: :clap: Yes to this. Up Limerick

What do you mean by the contrarian TFK worldview? If you look at the survey posted above on support and opposition to level 5, and add the four large voting groups (FF, FG, SF and Ind) itā€™s pretty close to 50:50. Even with all the biased reporting and lies from the media, 50% of the Irish population disagree with the recent measures taken.

The government are losing the people on this, and TFK ā€œcontrariansā€ as you call them called it several months ago.


Called what? A second wave?

Good man, youā€™ll get a lovely few likes for that, lads love to have their belly tickled

But very typical that you chose to read onto it what suited you and pad it with stats that are irrelevant

Iā€™ve given that a like

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Anyone with a functioning brain would know you are going to get a second wave if you suppress a highly infectious virus and then try and open back up.

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A very weak but sadly predictable response. What stats are irrelevant? That 50% of the voting public disagree with the government? I would say thatā€™s highly relevant.

that response was for @carryharry