Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Mate, you can type the same shite for the next 6 months for all I care, it’s the poor misfortunes you get all revved up that I worry for.

Don’t be confusing them with facts

So 50% of the Irish public are misfortunes who have this wrong? I would argue the opposite and say the 50% who still support the government on measures taken are sheep.

It doesn’t matter a tuppenny fuck what you think.

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A lot of the other 50% are simpletons that think Tony Holohan is the greatest man alive, and then another group are so woke that they are afraid to question anything they are told by “experts”, then there’s people who are genuinely terrified because they believe everything they hear on RTE


The government lying to people is to be expected, it’s the denying of the truth and refusing to report the truth that’s the real danger.

Lockdowns don’t work in western societies for a variety of reasons, the main reason being we have still have some semblance of freedom. This has been seen in every western country this year, yet governments and the media still try and convince people they are the only option, when they have already lost 50% of the population. The definition of insanity, etc.


The fear and hysteria that has been whipped up by the media in particular is outrageous.


You’ve literally just made up the 50% of the population thing

Look at the chart and come up with your own estimate then.

You guys look to be doing wonderful too…

I’d say we’re on about 30-40% but we could move ahead in the new year.

Everything I said summed up in one post,
Functioning brain, Jesus Christ, what’s strange chap you are.

My post wasn’t merely referring to the anti lockdown, though you chose to see nothing else, I want nothing to do with any conversation with you, get your childish insult in now.

That response was to Harry

You’re a dreadfully boring bastard


That response was for @ziggo


We’re doing roughly the same as Ireland, although we don’t have some of the more ridiculous restrictions like the 5km rule.

Seems like baa baa stuff…

Yes, we have loads of sheep as well.

4 dead 859 cases. Level 5 is working like a charm