Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Lovely an extra hour tonight to enjoy lock down.


She’s your typical rugby fan.

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I don’t read it. If you think they’re fear mongering you shouldn’t either

She did but she missed them all social distancing for the Anthems which is consistent with previous advice re pubs etc. where singing increases the potency of the virus :exploding_head:


The problem here being that a large part of the population are reading and listening to this type of stuff. So your advice is to ignore it. Are you an ostrich?

What exactly are they reading in this case a lack of detail? Terrifying.

If you are reading something you think is fear mongering people. Would you advise them to continue reading it?

Tell the people you dont agree with how the journal report covid deaths

Are you a fucking idiot?

Context is important reporting any news story. .No need to get your knickers in a twist Mr Ostrich.

It’s amazing you’re so worried about context and you got it so wrong in this interaction.

Have you come up with your estimate of the % of Irish people opposed to the most recent measures?

I haven’t given it a moments thought pal

I’m not normally one for the conspiracy theories, but there’s a documentary on BBC2 about the covid.

2 guys from the Wuhan research centre, where Trump suspects it was engineered, were due to get on Flight MH370 that miraculously disappeared.

Seems they were the guys behind the development of the new strain, and intending to use it as a weapon, someone caught wind of their plans and purposefully downed the plane. Neither of them got on the flight though. It’s really interesting.

Have a look for it on iplayer, it’s called two wongs don’t make a flight.


What did I get wrong. Please enlighten me.

You said the problem is a large part of the population is reading this. I said they should ignore it. You simultaneously agreed and disagreed with me and got thick with yourself

That’s a bit sad seeing as how you challenged my estimate as being made up, but couldn’t be arsed to look for yourself. It is typical though of those who blindly support the government and the “experts” advising them. Head in the sand don’t bother me with the facts stuff as Alf says.

They shouldn’t ignore it, they should demand the facts.

You gleaned that figure from a survey. Who was surveyed? How many people? What were the demographics? What were the questions?

Aren’t you supposed to be a scientist?

Rugby but not golf. All wankers should be treated the same.


The facts are freely available on the c.s.o website.

You’re saying they should demand to read what they want to read in a paper they don’t want to be reading? Typical of you

Here’s what’s interesting about the survey results. I’m going to assume that older people tend to vote FG and FF and that younger people tend to vote for SF and the loony left. Older people are much more at risk from Covid and yet at least half of them oppose the restrictions, while younger people who are largely unaffected by Covid support the restrictions. It seems a bit counterintuitive.

I can only think it shows what a good job government and the media have done convincing young people on how deadly this disease is, or what am I missing?


How many people go to the bother of doing their own research? Not many I would say so the onus is on national media to report the facts, not what they want people to believe.

I can’t make any sense out of your second sentence.