Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Of course it’s only a survey, but it’s better than a few lads arguing on TFK. The relevant questions were do you support going to level 5, with the options being yes, no, or don’t know, and what political party do you support. My take is that the country is roughly evenly split on supporting the Govt/NHPET, you are free to disagree.

If you add up the percentages of the 4 ones you cherry picked its

200:170 in favour of restrictions. Thats not 50:50

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54:46. Give it another week.

Older people know death is an inevitability.

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Stop that shit.

Of course they know that, but they shouldn’t have to be looking over their shoulders whenever they leave their house.

I said roughly 50:50, once again the key point is that close to 50% of the Irish public oppose the latest measures. You would think it’s 5% listening to some opinions on here.

Cherry picked? I left out the parties that nobody votes for like PBP and Labour. What percentage of the electorate vote for FF/FG/SF/Ind?

That’s not what he means. As people age they become more accepting of the reality of death, younger people tend to be more scared of it. There’s no need to make it controversial, it’s firmly established.

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If you think so, @Batigol gave an example of his Batchelor uncle being afraid to leave the house.

Don’t be a cunt.

You left out the greens as well. :grinning:

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If you’re late 60s early 70s there is a good chance you’ve a good decade or more of high quality life left in you.

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Of course there is. That was an absolute cunt of a remark.

Why is @Batigol’s uncle afraid to leave the house?

Do a little search.

I knew a man who once said death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.


Old people don’t see death as a sin. At a certain age after you’ve lived a good life you want a good death. You don’t want to die but you know you cannot live forever. If you are 85 and told to stay home then in theory you could be at home rest of your life.

If you are 35 you will have more days. So you accept the restrictions.


Are you speaking for all 85 year olds?

If you are in your 60s you have a 2.2% mortality risk from Covid if you get infected, if you are in your 70s you have a 5% risk. These risks are actually very similar to the overall risk of death those age groups have from other causes.

Risk me bollocks.

If a 70 year old gets it and survives, more than likely the aftermath is lack of energy and breathing issues. Where do you think they end up afterwards?

Where do you get that ?

Long Covid is based on no evidence. Most viruses have some laggy effect that goes away.

Seen an ad there on Sky sports earlier after the Laois -Dublin game,

Vaccine definitely is on the way it seems and the cycle lanes even get a mention. A fantastic decade awaits us. :grin:

I don’t know how we’d cope without the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.