Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Read my post again as you are arguing a point I did not make.

@Batigol I hope you got down the road safe and enjoy the game tomorrow.

If a 70 year old gets the flu the aftermath is lack of energy and breathing issues.

Young people, middle aged people depending on how badly they get it have serious issues afterwards. Some have no issues.

Bottom line is age is a high risk issue with this unless you have the absolute best of care. Now, if our hospitals get a little overrun where does the chances of best of care rate?

You can remember I’m sure how worried you & all probably were from what happened in Italy. They couldn’t give the care & people died ( maybe needlessly) so when case numbers are high older people are high risk.

You’ve decided you know at what point old people accept death and it seems to be 85

I like you but that is a very broad statement. My parents certainly don’t feel like that and are well into their 80s. They want to live, see their grandchildren grow for as long as they can. They have been very careful to avoid any undue risks during lockdown. If they felt like you seem to think they do, this would not be the case.


That’s based on no evidence. Anecdotes ain’t Evidence

Like your evidence on old people?

Read what you’ve typed so…

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If you are in your 60s and have no underlying conditions I’d imagine it is a bit lower than 2.2%?

Never said that. But carry on.

Nobody is questioning that by & large everyone stands a great chance of beating this provided care is there.

While numbers were low, RTÉ had maybe segments on elderly people leaving hospitals after lengthy fights won.
But, that was when hospitals could handle cases.

Do the maths when infection rates rise sharply.

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The opinion poll…

Of course, the risks are skewed in all age groups by those with underlying conditions.

You said at a certain age you’ve lived a good life and you want a good death. What age would that be?

What evidence have you of this?

I think lads are fucking simple if they think I want a lockdown. I don’t.

But spare me the cunt acting of saying old people know their clock is ticking and shur what harm if they pop their clogs.


Nobody is saying that you simpleton.

What are ye saying? Ye aren’t being very direct

If case rates are high and hospitals are filling up then spare us the talk of open it up and the chances of getting really sick are small.

Chances for healthy people of getting really sick are bound to be really small if best of care is available.

Our health system is a joke. Simple procedures take years to get done. Do you think older people don’t know that?

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