Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Not your original point.

Google it.

He’s looking for a rise.

He is thinks a poll on what people wanted in relation to who they vote for matters a fuck. Christ it’s laughable how that poll could even be posted.

Bottom line is we are where we are due to a Basket case of a Health system. Letting it get overrun is not an option but what can we do?

Tell those with the smallest amount of sand grains left in their egg timers to hide away indefinitely?

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Death is inevitable. As people get older they come to accept this fact.
Doesn’t mean they like it.


Put an age on it there. You’re a whure for evidence and facts. That sounds very anecdotal

Young people should restrict their movements, they know they’ve loads of time left…

You call me a simpleton :man_facepalming:

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As a man in his 80s once said to me

“At my age I don’t buy green bananas”

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I’d say he was only having a laugh there mate

The same joke would not be funny from a 35 year old.

But if he was likely to die soon it would be really good

It’s a sliding scale, so impossible to put an age on it as everyone is different. But it’s well established that people in general are more accepting of the inevitability of death as they age.

Furthermore, fear of death is irrational, but that’s a different discussion.

What does old people being accepting of death have to do with a pandemic? You know you’re going to die. You might accept it. That doesn’t mean you arent afraid of dying from a virus or want to live for as long as you can

Accepting death and looking for it are not the same thing.
So what’s your point?

I know an old man who has a pup bought for clonmel next year

No the problem is the way it’s being reported which lads are rightly questioning. Your solution is to say ignore it. Which is a bit silly.

Ok mate. If that’s what you want to take from it, bring it along with you.

My point is that older people are more accepting of the inevitability of death and less prone to scaremongering about the risk of dying from a virus that 1) they can take precautions to avoid, and 2) they are unlikely to die from even if they get infected.

Some lads putting in savage shifts here altogether. It’s a bit like watching Leitrim footballers, working it around till about 40yds out, lose it in the tackle, regroup and get behind it again. Recommence process only down the other wing. Similar results. Take off corner forward.


And you’ve watched that for decades. This is a toddle for you

Lads are coming apart at the seams

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Some lad


***poster being genuine alert *******

Halloween is my kids favourite time of the year, more so than Christmas strangely enough. She got to asking me about the plans this year, Daddy, can we go to this year and do trick or treat

I had to tell her. She was fucking heartbroken.

Fuck covid