Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I wonder was he a corner forward?

They’re usually ‘windy’

I’ll fight all of ye. Ye can come in two at a time if ye want

I’m becoming a stats man of late. You’ve 370 posts in this thread in the previous 24 hrs.
I’m currently attempting to create a Venn diagram of activities on this matter.

I’m thinking a week’s sabbatical might do some lads good, time for mature reflection stuff.


You’re too hysterical to keep your fists up.

You’ll have to find a new angle there. You’ve used that before

New angle? Are you new here.

Like the Laois hurlers.


She’ll be grand. They’re tougher than you think and forget shit quite quickly. She hasn’t lost a parent in a car accident.

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I did. Mother talked on the phone all the way through the the UFC. Might tip back up the road


The whole thing is shit for kids. Could you not organize a small gathering with another family?

Good piece here again from the Irish Times in fairness -


We’ll figure something out

A man has a lot of spare time these days.

At least if I’m here I’m not annoying lads outside in the general population of tfk


This lad is so creepy


Go and write a bit of poetry

I don’t agree with you on this as you know mate - all the way back to March even, but in fairness you’re playing the ball here and have articulated your points well.

. I looked at his twitter last week and he appears to literally live on the thing . Seems a total spacer .

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For what it’s worth. A friend of my missus is doing trick or treat in their own house different treats in each room that kind of shit. Might be an idea

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As a young lad, this Saturday night was always a great night to do the dog on it. An extra hour for recovery on the Sunday