Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You could be down in Cork at the Jazz until 2 or 3am and still wake up and be ready to go again at 9.30am.


Jesus Christ it isnā€™t a bank holiday weekend is it?

ok mate, why the intention of your post is good some of the language is a bit off, Im more comfortable with active travel lanes

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Cliff is a really successful business person right?

It is.

Bank holiday weekends are like a dagger to the heart these days.


I didnā€™t even know it was one tbh. Thatā€™s very sad.


What do you think itā€™s worth?


They locked down every weekend since Paddyā€™s day. The new bank holiday of 22nd December is next lockdown.

I feel sorry for lads who donā€™t see what is being done to them. My job is secure. My kids are happy. My parents are old but sanguine.

I joked about pubs but lads like @Lazarus Re subject to the worst kid of mental torture- uncertainty. If you told him itā€™s over next March and weā€™re out the gap heā€™d be fine but he wonā€™t know itā€™s over til itā€™s over. People donā€™t realise that when they look back at history.

Maybe Heā€™ll get an album out of it. Iā€™ve changed my view on what society should demand and expect in return out of this.


more lies

Are you a psychopath?

Only on Saturdays.

Are we that far gone?

Do the old Halloween stuff that you did as a child.

No , then .

Hit the fat kids with giggy bags? I think society has moved on :grinning:


Has that extra bank holiday been confirmed?

ā€œDeath is inevitable.ā€ Ah yeah. The Berggruen Prize is in the post.

You are an absolute stone cold idiot, with severe pretensions. I did not think you quite were but you certainly are. You are just someone ā€“ like, yeah, Jordan Petersen ā€“ who cannot face their own nihilism.

Spoiled nihilism is behind most toxic politics. The thin end, the risible end, is the menā€™s shed vacuities of TFK. I did not realize until this crisis just how callously and self confidently stupid so many people are. I guess nettled suspicion is the callously self confidently stupid personā€™s attempt at intelligence. Or at least is for those flutes who admire the likes of Kevin Myers sticking up for ā€˜free speechā€™.

Here is more of the same:

People might like to look up David Myatt, where he came from, what he represented, how certain people make themself feel better with vacuous fatalism when the hatreds of youth have cindered.

The last cowardice is vacuous fatalism. And the first stupidity.

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Oh my goodness, why didnā€™t I realize this sooner. At heart Iā€™m a radical Islamist, itā€™s obvious from everything I have written on TFK.

You sir are an intellectual pygmy.

Hint: To believe death is inevitable does not equate to believing life is meaningless. The opposite actually.


You are an absolute idiot. And you just proved it again. Prod the fork a little deeper into David Myattā€™s maunderings. Jihadi Islam was the least of it.

Part of the condition is the urge to keep proving it. Off you go. Being out of their depth registers little for people with so much air in their skull.