Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Who doesnā€™t fight for their last breath?

Someone who would prefer to die? A young or old adult who ends their own life, a choice that they make. A person in extreme pain from cancer or some other disease who has no desire to live?

Exactly. You donā€™t get to make that choice for someone else

Look mate, Iā€™m sure the brothers would be proud of your English skills, but sadly you are out of your depth on anything science related. So you default to emotions, like all the scientifically illiterate.

If you want to engage with me further have a read of David Spiegelhalter. The risk of death from Covid-19 closely matches the normal age related risks from all causes we all face every year of our lives. For those over 55 infected with Covid the risk of dying is slightly higher than the normal risk of dying from all causes, for those under 55 it is slightly less.


Agreed. Thatā€™s why I have said from the beginning the focus should have been on protecting the vulnerable. If you look at the death statistics, Ireland is actually doing quite well there, even though infection rates among younger demographics are high. I would attribute this to the efforts of the Irish people and not their government, like most places mitigation efforts had started before governments woke up in mid March.

You do realize though that the actions taken by your government are condemning others right? People not going for regular check ups, ignoring their symptoms that could lead to terminal cancer, the rise in hopelessness among young adults, etc.

All the services and supports for those people are open and have been since the first lockdown . Try again

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Look ā€“ mate ā€“ do not try the matey mate stuff on me. We have established you can read, by your allusions to various authors, same as we have established your inability to think, by your allusions to various authors. I do not need props. I can think for myself.

If you are too dense to grasp the basics, quite aside from the ethical issues involved, so be it. But anyone with a modicum of analytical ability should be able to grasp that ā€œthe risk of deathā€ is not the main issue here. Take a deep breath and take your time.

So: 25,000 people a day ā€“ as has been happening in UK ā€“ get infected. They all have five close contacts (likely very much on the conservative side). Each day, therefore, there are 150,000 people on a rolling 14 day lockdown, with all the consequent economic and social damage. Mortality risk is not the major point. Disruption risk is the main point. Can you grasp this issue ā€“ without gassing on about who is dying and what age they are?

All the maunderings about herd immunity and Sweden and death rates and so on will not budge this point. Those individuals biased against state-initiated interventions are left either contextually obtuse or congenitally obtuse. Like death, I suppose, either of those states amounts to the same thing.


Are you actually claiming that there has been no deferral of routine check ups and cancer screenings etc. over the past 7 months? Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m hearing. There is also a difference between services been open and peopleā€™s willingness to utilize them.

Can you not grasp the simple fact that the disruption you reference is due to the governmentā€™s response to this virus and the hysteria they have generated? The economic and social damage is due to lockdowns and other draconian measures that donā€™t work, period.

Of the people that get infected per day in the UK (itā€™s probably 50,000 counting asymptomatic if not 100,000), roughly 1% of those testing positive aged 0 - 40 require hospitalization. Yes itā€™s higher for people over 40 but those are the people who are avoiding infection, otherwise the health care system would be overwhelmed. The evidence clearly points to the fact that vulnerable people are being protected, not due to your wankers in government, due to their own efforts to protect themselves.

Have a look at the countries that are in full scale panic mode in Europe, Sweden isnā€™t one of them.

The risk of dying from Covid 19 exactly matches the risk fromā€¦dying.

Itā€™s sort of beautiful.

Imagine malarkey ran his big stupid head numbers on pedestrians.

Heā€™d be a big stupid ultracrepidarian @Malarkey but heā€™ll learn a new word


Imagine if we had reacted like this to the plague of Athens in 400BC or any pandemic since? Humanity would have died out arguably.


We are literally trying to cure dying. Iā€™m going for kettle bells. Ill be leaner than the tower of Pisa.


or lean like the tower of Pisa

France looks completely fucked, over 40k cases per day for the past two days. How is their health care system coping?

No, as is plain, you cannot grasp the point. You are calcified into your own obtuseness. You really are self confidently stupid.

I perfectly understand the age cohorts and all the rest. You can keep repeating the same irrelevant non points.

Congratulations. Quite some going to be as obtuse as him.

If ye were marrows, ye would win every prize at the fair. Big and thick and tasteless.

The ā€œdisruptionā€ is down to the government?

You really are making it all so clear now. Quite a staggering level of vacuousness.

There seems to be serious momentum around the vaccine now with the NHS saying they hope to start vaccinating staff by Christmas.


Nah I think it was reported in a paper that cabinet are discussing it. So my take is they said it to keep the masses happy

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Hard to believe anything out of the UK this year.