Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Saturday Mike?

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Today feels like a Sunday to be fair

Whether you agree or not you’d have to admire a post like that, a similar effort from a OIUTFer would be heralded as the greatest in the history of TFK, I am richer for having read it :neutral_face::clap:


What an utter pile of shite :laughing:


Well, it certainly found a bluebottle.


No. The forum thrives on contrarian opinions, abuse and insults. Where’s the fun in harmony? Close the curtains.

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Whats the latest with the virus lads, I can some some lads are completely losing their minds and barely a week into it

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Savage personal insults being thrown around here by the usual suspects. Sad to see

You love to see it

A long winded post amounting to nothing more than sneering and calling Tim a cunt. Don’t you usually go around here wagging your finger at lads for that kind of behaviour?


To borrow from a certain poster in this thread “The sight of you here equates to spotting carrots on the menu”.

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What a line. :clap:

The epistemically pernicious tendency to confirmation bias.

I agreed and disagreed with you with one word, then you liked my post but replied with an insult, then harry applauded you for borrowing an insult.
What’s a girl to do?

The boys aren’t getting it all their own way, and they don’t like it, not one bit

Bad time, Soz :wink:

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Varadkar is some idiot.

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Why not compare Sweden to Belgium? Or Portugal to Spain?

You can play the game all day.

Nobody has said that Sweden, including Sweden themselves, was perfect and I continue to say it was the wrong decision from a risk perspective. But the results are the results, we cannot ignore them.

We are judging all of this vs models that showed tens of thousands of deaths for somewhere like Sweden vs what actually happened.

Why are lockdowns not questioned when you have a result like Spain with 750 deaths per 1m vs 586 per 1m in Sweden? Why is one massively controversial vs another that isn’t?

I prefer to not take absolutes from anywhere but you cannot ignore Sweden. And Europe hasn’t either, it is places like Sweden keeping schools open that encouraged European governments to get kids back to school in May.

You don’t have any idea where I come from to be honest. You aren’t dealing with anything I wrote.

I have said it over and over that the Irish Government did the right thing in March and were ahead of the curve in providing economic support, for example. I see a role for Government. I do not put this down to a right/left attitude to Government. Sweden are the darling of the left generally, but are apparently alt right now. Is McNamara from Claire right wing? Are the Labour Party? The Labour Party are the only ones I have seen to put forward a credible challenge to Government policy for example.

If you want to flip the thrust of your point (aside from all the made up stuff about me), how does all of this work when the Government shuts down your industry? They are not “creating opportunity”, they are actively limiting it. €350 and some rate cuts are not going to help someone to pay their mortgage or the loan on their business. It is a support but that’s about it. Can you plan ahead into the future on that? You are existing off of international debt and the globalised supply chains for “essential goods”, you can’t even plan to buy the most basic items of clothing from the likes of Dunnes.

When we are talking about billions of euro and people’s livelihoods, we are a bit beyond the usual political level of discourse. I imagine you’ve brought up the usual yarn about O’Malley a lot over the years, the faux modest boasting about being one of the first of your family to get to college or whatever. We are several steps beyond that really. Simon Harris is giving free laptops to students but telling them they can’t go to on campus college or meet other people right now, that is where we are at now.

You spent nearly 24 hours on this post and as usual with you all it really comes back to is abuse. I’m happy enough with my lot, I’ve seen from afar you having meltdowns on here and swearing off this place because you can’t help yourself. Back again soon enough though.


Not surprising to see that Varadkar is a zionist.