Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Presume gyms gone as well?

thats needs to be 1km

Testing is under severe pressure too. Close contacts being told they won’t be tested unless they display symptoms and to just restrict movements for 14 days.


What date are shops likely to go though? Hoolahan probably like the rest of us and doesn’t know what day of the week it is over Christmas and he’ll give us the wrong date

My understanding is that most viruses eventually mutate their way into non-existance or into such a harmless virus that they no longer pose a threat. It’s very rare that a virus is beaten by a vaccine. The vast majority either go by people naturally building immunity or by mutation into a harmless variant (like SARS).

Your understanding? Where did you read that?


What’s that got to do with anything? I read it on the back of a packet of Corn Flakes

Cos you talk a lot of bollocks on COVID related matters.

A virus ideally needs its host to survive. Viruses that go killing their host too quickly dont thrive, so mutations that favour the host living longer and spreading the virus generally outlast ones that make a virus more lethal.

Not claiming that’s what is or will happen with COVID

Decent watch below in regards to how Covid deaths have been counted in the US and how the PCR tests tend to throw up false positives.

Only 11 minutes, worth a look in my view.

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Utter ignorance. Do you think a pallid adverb can hide this truth?

Ye really are shameless.

So why are restrictions important??

I didn’t mention restrictions.

Gives you an excuse not to go to a match

You have claimed that virus don’t kill the host, they need to move etc.

Why in that case are restrictions important?

Try harder, Mike.

Maybe a photo of a can sat on a table in front of your tv in your sitting room?

No I didn’t. I said a virus doesn’t want to kill its host as that usually means death for the virus too


George Lee is hearing “screaming alarm bells”.