Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I think they were, you know. The general gist of the talk on this forum was initially that “hey look at those crowds in those stadiums”, and then it turned to “hey, those Euro 2020 matches turned into superspreader events”.

I think the latter point of view was made to deflect, for forum purposes, from the reality that Delta was growing, superspreader events or not.

The GAA and GAA people used exactly the same logic as the entertainment industry is doing now when the GAA couldn’t have crowds but non-essential retail had opened.

I think you and a lot of other GAA orientated people just don’t like the GAA being painted in any sort of bad light or the notion that anybody else would look at the favourable treatment they have received with any sort of envy, or even the voicing of the not at all unreasonable notion that they receive more favourable treatment than other sectors.

Opening up was always going to be contradictory. It could never be otherwise. You can’t go from 0 to 100 in one go. But that means the sectors that cannot open are understandably angry. I don’t blame them for that. Seeing your neighbours being allowed to do what they want while you are not allowed to breeds anger.

I agree with the view that 40k people in Croke Park yesterday and the associated crowding around and drunkenness and all that goes with an All-Ireland final was not safe.

I also agree with the view that opening nightclubs now is not safe.

The whole thing is what it is.

And the way it’s going, I think very soon I think we may well be back to a case where the amount of spectators at sporting events is seriously curbed again, for a while at least.

This autumn and winter is going to be confusing, and will likely be infuriating for many, from different standpoints. I don’t see any way around that.

Heather Humphries wants to know why NPHET keep moving the goalposts. :clap:

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I think you’re making up things that people said again. @Gman’s recollection is accurate.

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I’ve listened to a few advocates and I don’t think they’ve directed ire at the GAA at all.

Their frustration seems squarky and fairly directed at our shit show nanny state government.


I don’t think so.

The gga at the very least should have followed the procedures. The arrogance is sickening


I find the idea that you can cage people up like animals for 18 months and then expect people to behave sensibly when given the opportunity to start living again fairly bizarre.

You were always going to have large numbers of people going mad once given the opportunity.


They were shitting in peoples gardens

“Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be Brendan O’Neill.”

A lot of the Limerick crowd are the same people who vilify Travellers at every turn.

Travellers could teach the Limerick crowd a thing or two about hygiene.

It’s not face nappies they need…

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Fucking animals

GAA supporters being very defensive here, the match yesterday was just the latest and most blatant example of double standards, nobody is blaming the GAA or the supporters,
They are highlighting it to put pressure on the powers that be and why shouldn’t they, it’s a joke


You’re the only one on the board who pays any attention to that eejit. You’re the bigger eejit for it.

If you can’t shit on a lawn after winning an All Ireland when can you do it?!


Yesterday was class. Like being back in the old days. Great to enjoy the vaccine dividend we were all promised.


Stupid nerds.

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