Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Maybe a bit like scaremongering tactics from the LIDTF crew? Anyways go back to all the other countries.

Surely if all these cases meant anything at all we would see huge problems in places like the US? It all seems to be going the finest.

Obesity and smoking are probably bigger public health problems.

America has had the same sort of death rate the UK now has for the last two months.

That is not a success.

And America is on the brink of being ravaged yet again.

The only scaremongering there has been during this pandemic has been from the OIUTF cult. Masks are dangerous, vaccines are dangerous, thereā€™s a suicide epidemic, that sort of thing. All lies, and all lies willingly bought into by the OIUTF cult.

Itā€™s always been quite handy to see people use the word scaremongering in relation to this pandemic because you immediately know theyā€™re idiots.

My partner works with a team from the USA who basically says itā€™s all going ok over there.

Itā€™s called living with covid.

Texas is probably the best example and seem to be going ok.

Iā€™m not anti vaccine but donā€™t see why any healthy person has to take it. I took it so I could go on holiday. On masks, most people donā€™t wear them right or use them ones you get in the pound shop.

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It isnā€™t going OK.

Itā€™s going disastrously and America is not through this by a long shot, mainly due to the effects of decades of right wing disinformation and reality denial.

Do you have any data to back up that? Iā€™d be interested because I was watching NBA during the week and it all seemed rosy.

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The surge in the UK is undoubtedly due to the football, thereā€™s a segment of the English that behave like apes at the best of times, let alone when their team are contesting a major tournament and hosting games. There have been more cases in the UK than the US for the past several days, with 5X lower population. The rest of Europe is well lower than the UK.

I watched England play Italy 10 days ago. Things in England are bad.

Thank you. We will leave it there? You seem, in all fairness, a decent sort.

I saw the Kilkenny Minors win this evening, after a horrendous U20 effort yesterday evening. I am eating comtĆ© with my fatherā€™s scallions, drinking wine and listening to Altered Images. There is a bigger picture, if you are lucky. My life is simple. I have no need of EM Cioranā€™s shite.

I do not take myself seriouslyā€¦ I just happen to be extremely good at arguing because I just happen to be extremely intelligent and goodnatured. No boast: just genetic luck. But badnatured people dislike this combination, for all sorts of reasons.

Meanwhile the issues around Covid-19 are extremely serious.


I met a pal from college during the week who lives up the country in a small town. Most pubs back fully indoors. He said it was a type of herd immunity for the town. We laughed.

Apologies to those offended.

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UK cases were rising from mid May because their incompetent government refused to shut down travel from India at a time when the OIUTF cult here was clamouring for travel to be liberalised immediately. So again, the Delta variant is something the OIUTF cult here wanted.

The US is about to get hit with a tsunami of cases and deaths.

The exact same type of behaviour you vilify the English for, you applaud in those of other nationalities.

Thatā€™s bigotry.

You can debate well but you have insulted me without need on a few occasions. Leave that off mate.

The lack of consistency regarding opening up is baffling. 500 at those type of games is a joke as a prime example. Be great if some of the people who supported restrictions now started supporting simple reopening measures like allowing a few thousand in Nowlan park.

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How the fuck is a disease that is killing 200-300 people a day in a country of 350 million that has 8,000 deaths a day from all causes a disaster?


Well, youā€™re the guy that called for all Islam to be banned after 130 people were murdered in Paris in 2015.

But apparently 625,000 deaths in the US alone isnā€™t a problem, ā€œletā€™s pile the bodies higherā€, as a certain Mr. Johnson clamoured for.

Deranged logic.

Itā€™s not, thatā€™s why the LIDTF lunatics never post context or relative figures. They are a cult.

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Not sure what ā€œcontextā€ 625k deaths from Covid in one country in a pandemic requires to make you think the whole thing isnā€™t a cod.

Iā€™d suggest you get deprogrammed.

Go back through what you ā€“ and other people ā€“ feel free to say about me. No matter. I am thick skinned. But do not be a hypocrite.

But nay matterā€¦ I have a quiet pleasant life. And am just argumentative, out of occasional boredomā€¦

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Similar death rate to western Europe. Do all these European countries also suffer from decades of right wing disinformation? France? Spain? Italy? Belgium? Or could it be that suppression efforts have been equally poor in almost all western countries and the number of vulnerable people is roughly the same per capita.

Many of them do suffer from extensive right wing disinformation campaigns. The UK, Italy, France, Spain, several of the former eastern bloc countries chiefly among them.

Most of them donā€™t have anything on the scale of the sheer insanity gripping America - which you have largely bought into.


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