Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

“reports of a lack of social distancing among crowds”


Agree with that. There’s a resentful tone to much of the response. However, the uncomfortable truth for those of us who see ourselves as ‘gaa men’ is that a lot of people outside the gaa see it as the epitome of establishment Ireland alongside FF FG etc and this doesn’t sit well with a lot of us. A lot of gaa fellas would like to think of themselves in a bit of an underdog role and that rugby is the establishment game but to many it’s the gaa.
When you’re reading any critical tweets it’s essential gaa is pronounced as gah.


Muldoon entitlement is the worst kind of entitlement

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 any right minded person can see it’s one rule for one and simply because the GAA has more political muscle they get their way 


The GAA and their privilege, how dare they flaunt social distancing guidelines


We need the DUP on this.

So their aim to get entertainment back on is to highlight how those at the GAA match were not adhering to social distancing and were flaunting the rules. A super strategy to try convince the government to open things up. This is my point. They are 100% right to be pissed off, but their ire is completely misdirected.


It was the GAA Club Championships last September and the All Ireland Finals in December that caused the last two lockdowns. They want to take us right back, there will need to be a major police operation at the football final. Water cannons, rubber bullets, the works.


I feel very sorry for Mayo supporters in particular, but the rest of the senior football championship needs to be played behind closed doors. The trends are very worrying across all key metrics - case numbers, hospitalisations, ICU numbers. Let’s not forget that GAA county final attendees caused the second wave this time last year too. We need to act decisively before the country suffers again. I personally think we should trial a zero Covid approach between now and Halloween.


With mandatory vaccination of everyone over 1 years old

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Or maybe they want to highlight a crowd who get favourable treatment can’t even follow the rules yet they are punished for what they might or might not do 

Ire and strategy are two very different things 
 small people losing their livings while the GAA gets to do what it wants.
theres also the potential to ruin it for everyone else if cases rocket because people didn’t follow the rules yesterday and government pulls the plug on whole thing 


There should have been a full house yesterday and for the football final too.


The GAA crowd are a sophisticated vaccinated type.


That ratio of unvaccinated to vaccinated with severe illness has been seen everywhere that has high levels of vulnerable vaccinated. The point is something has changed very recently if 50% of those currently hospitalized are fully vaccinated. Anyway we will see how it pans out, they are horsing booster shots into people with urgency.

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday granted full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for people 16 and up, making it the first to move beyond emergency use status in the United States.

About 50k witnesses and hopefully no one reported a breach? There might be hope yet

But this is the point, is highlighting the faults of this going to help their cause or worsen it? And the last comment is wanting your cake and eating. We want to open up, but opening up could see cases skyrocket. As someone mentioned, its arguing the point for both zero covid and OIUTF.

The point again though is being completely lost. The ire is completely misdirected. The rules are totally contradictory. Like they always have been. The entertainment sector wants things opened up, yet are putting forward the case that the AI final was a disgrace. Stadia capacity should now be looked at on individual basis as to capacity and what they can hold, for all sports. 500 capacity for GAA club games in 25,000 seat stadium, and 500 capacity for another club game in a 2,000 capacity ground. Makes no sense. LOI being restricted to 500. Let them open up and have crowds, on restricted basis, on what the stadia can hold. I disagreed with EP being cancelled.

Outdoor concerts should have been back by now, and not the shite at the Iveagh gardens or the pilot event in sheep pens in Kilmainham. Not letting bands play at weddings, with already restricted numbers is absolute bollix. Moaning about the GAA wont fix any of that though.


This now means that all people who pointed to Covid vaccines being “experimental” as an excuse not to get vaccinated, will promptly get vaccinated.

Otherwise they’ll look like terrible hypocrites, and we all know they hate hypocrites.

I think that’s what will happen, anyway.

I think I read on the INTERNET that the cdc said the risk of myocarditis amongst young men was 1 in 26k. I suppose you halve that with every booster shot?

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People like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who said that in late 2020?