Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Ah right. So itā€™s OK for some kids to spend the entire day wearing masks because their teachers and parents are too cowardly or too ignorant to do anything about it?

Keep posting silly memes and donā€™t worry about the little kids, they donā€™t need to wear masks anywhere in Ireland, maybe hospitals??


Did I say anything about Irelandā€¦but I appreciate your classification re. little kids etc. An important distinction I suppose.

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Watch a match lads, even go to a match, go for a walk. Surely beats arguing over covid.

I told you it was staged.

Pretty damning article about John Ioannidis here.

So Joe is alive and well, some apes on here will swallow any auld shite :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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Bad form from the people sharing it but lads will do anything to win points on the internet


Some sickos were delighted when they thought he was dead

Article from the Independent yesterday.

Ireland has had 250 Covid deaths since April 1, just over 1 per day.

The majority were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated but 61 or 25% of the deaths were people who were fully vaccinated.

301 Covid patients were treated in ICU since April 1. The majority were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated but 51 or 17% were fully vaccinated.

Vaccination is clearly helping but claims that only the unvaccinated are getting seriously ill or dying are clearly not accurate. This also highlights how nonsensical the ZeroCovid goal actually is, as there will always be breakthrough infections so a ZeroCovid goal means you have to keep restrictions in place forever.

The longer this goes on the more obvious it is that Sweden got this right and most countries have been pissing against the wind.


John Ioannidis is a world renowned epidemiologist at Stanford one of the top 3 research universities in the world.

The lad you are quoting is a neurologist nobody in the field would have heard of, a bit like Tomas Ryan. No surprise you think heā€™s the expert as heā€™s a ZeroCovid nutcase.

Ioannidis claimed based on his research early on that Covids IFR was 0.1%. He got tremendous pushback as it was commonly believed the mortality rate was 1-2 % or higher. 18
Months later he is closest to the reality, IFR is around 0.2%.

In the early months of Covid patients were routinely put on ventilators and over 80% died. Ventilation is now a last resort and a lot less common.

Everything in the US health care system is driven by $. Medicare in particular is completely corrupt. Anyone claiming otherwise is benefitting from a corrupt system.

To compare Ioannidis to QAnon is utterly moronic and like comparing Einstein to Sid Waddell.

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Iā€™m anti lockdown but just because you donā€™t believe in zero covid that doesnā€™t logically follow that ā€œSweden was rightā€. Those are completely different things. You donā€™t have to reject lockdown if you reject zero covid. Lots of countries with lockdowns rejected zero covid, including Ireland.

Now we see the cause for your vaccine scepticism, you (illogically) think that it proves you right about Zero Covid.

Iā€™m getting very bored of this now, the rest of the world has moved on but the anti-vaxx boys are obsessed. The anti-vaxx boys think that theyā€™re interesting.


The vaccine fascists donā€™t like their totalitarian traits being questioned.

Youā€™re just upset at being so completely wrong about Irelandā€™s vaccination programme. Itā€™s ok.


Is the appeal to authority fallacy really the best you can do?

You must be one of the most stupid cunts ever to lay fingers on a keyboard.

Youā€™re not too far away from QAnon yourself.

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I was completely right. You were wrong, wrong, wrong.

It hurts people to look back at being on the wrong side, so rather than be a man, holding up your hands and apologising, this is the false narrative you engage in.

You couldnā€™t have been more wrong. Weā€™ve had the most successful vaccination campaign in Europe. Iā€™d be highly embarrassed too if Iā€™d made as much of a fool of myself as you did about it. Itā€™s no wonder youā€™re lashing out.


I was right every step of the way on the vaccine rollout. They failed with every target and deadline they set. They are months behind rolling back restrictions on everywhere else.

Once again, you debate in very bad faith. Last time we crossed paths on this topic, you ran for the fills when I substantiated my position and you couldnā€™t.

We have the most successful vaccination programme in Europe.

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Not true.

It was slow and drawn out. What you mean to say is that the Irish people are sheep and do as they were told. Most first world countries had their vaccination campaign wrapped up months back.