Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Great stuff.

Bureaucrats and politicians can never be given too much rope, their capacity for poor decision making is endless. It’s quite ironic that the EU has done a much better job on travel than the U.K. or US.

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What kind of monster wants to vaccinate kids with an experimental vaccine for something that is of little to no threat to them.


If your interpretation of my post is that I am anti vaxx then you are an incredibly thick bastard.

By definition if you are anti lockdown you agree with Sweden’s approach.

The ZeroCovid point is unrelated to Sweden. ZeroCovid is unachievable in any country regardless of their approach.

Just back from the test center in Finglas there. Literally in and out in 5 minutes.

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I’m told that that STI center leads all the HSE stats for efficiency.

People that don’t have kids

Quite hilarious from someone who constantly posts links to Twitter lions that you regard as experts but generally are not.

Neurologists for example are not experts in infectious disease.

I’d say that’s right. Fellas wouldn’t be hanging around having the chats.

Woah. You’re now agreeing with the statement that if vaccines are approved for children of 5 years old and up, that the people who approved would be “monsters”, as well as any parents who get their children vaccinated.

And you expect to be taken in any way seriously?

That, my friend is the rhetoric of a nutcase.

Most successful vaccination programme in Europe pal.

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There’s nothing hilarious about it.

Nobody even needs a science qualification to see who’s talking shite and who’s talking sense. You only need the critical tools to navigate the modern media environment. Which you don’t have, because you’ve chosen not to have them in favour of going down a far right rabbit hole in which you spend your life furiously defending absolute nutcases who themselves have gone down far right rabbit holes and furiously attacking everybody who hasn’t.

Go back to March 24th, 2020 when Sunetra Gupta laughably claimed up to half of Britain had already got Covid. You bought that hook, line and sinker - when my cat could have seen it was fantastical nonsense.

The reason Gupta did that is because like pretty much of all of the people you hang your hat on, she’s a corrupt, bought and paid for shill for right wing politics, dark money and big business. And she was trying to spread propaganda that Covid was harmless, in order that Britain and elsewhere would reject any public health restrictions. That’s what an immoral ghoul does.

You are wilfully clueless about the modern media environment and propaganda.

No sane person could take you in any way seriously.

You are a deranged lunatic.

All my kids are vaccinated. How about yours?

You can call me a “deranged lunatic” all you like, but the evidence of this forum very much says that I am the sensible one and you are the nutcase.

You haven’t responded to me calling out your anti-vaxx lunacy above. Funny that.

You called it the flu.

No I didn’t. You’re flailing terribly now and it’s very funny.

You on the other hand have called those who welcome the likely approval of vaccines for children of 5 and up in the near future “monsters”.

That is demonstrably the anti-vaxx ranting of a lunatic.

Fire up the post where I called them monsters.

You shouldn’t have too much trouble finding your flu comment.

only a monster would vaccinate a child

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You agreed with the pretend Italian. There’s a good reason why your “allies” on this forum now are the anti-vaxx crackpots and the blatant trolls.