Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

No I didn’t. You’re flailing terribly now and it’s very funny.

You on the other hand have called those who welcome the likely approval of vaccines for children of 5 and up in the near future “monsters”.

That is demonstrably the anti-vaxx ranting of a lunatic.

Fire up the post where I called them monsters.

You shouldn’t have too much trouble finding your flu comment.

only a monster would vaccinate a child

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You agreed with the pretend Italian. There’s a good reason why your “allies” on this forum now are the anti-vaxx crackpots and the blatant trolls.

For what?

There you go @Tierneevin1979.

It’s good that you’ve now removed all doubt about where you stand on vaccines. We know where we stand.

And it was sadly inevitable.

There are no anti vaxx posters on this forum.

I routinely get nice post awards for my contributions, from intelligent posters.

Nobody agrees with your insane views. Not one poster.

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It’s not nice seeing people have breakdowns in public.

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Covid, it is no threat to 99.99% of children, only a monster would inject that shite into young kids


That was putting you in your place. You have zero influence on whether kids 5 and up get vaccinated. Thankfully.

I’m not anti-vaxx.

I’m middle ground. I think people should do as they please and have their choice respected. It’s tiresome the way the vaccine fascists try and misrepresent those who have a different view to them.

The vaccine fascists are the same end of the spectrum as the anti-vaxx 5G nuts.


Pal of mine was telling me today that his family (except him) had Covid last week including his missus who is vaccinated. Said they were all sick enough with it like a bad cold/tummy bug type sickness where you’re not well but don’t have to stay in bed either. 3 kids are under 12. They are all fine now thank God he said.

The vaccine turns it into a nuisance type disease now was his take on it rather than something to be afraid of.

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For fit and healthy u40s, it was never really anything more than a nuisance type disease. Vaccine or no vaccine.


The only person you’re “putting in their place” is yourself.

No of course I don’t have any influence in whether the vaccine is approved for children 5 and up.

But the people who do are very much moving towards approving it quickly, and you’re furious at it. Your anti-vaccine sympathies have been becoming more and more obvious lately and now they’ve blown right into the open. This is what happens your whole worldview is tied to a right wing culture war.

I’m not sure where you’re going with this thing about me not having children.

Is it supposed to be some sort of insult, where you “own” me, or something like that?

It’s making you look like a terrible creep.

Little jumped up pretend Hitlers with no kids who want to control other people’s kids. Easy to spot on here.


@Captainshan will be delighted to see this. His infamous meltdown after the 2009 Champions League final is beginning to look very minor in comparison.

The vaccine fascists like to label anyone who isn’t a vaccine fascist as anti-vaxx. What oddballs, their position of course is farcical and anti-logic.

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Is there a tummy bug now as part of what could be classed as a symptoms of covid? I know a few people who had a vomiting bug lately?

One of the funnier aspects of @Tierneevin1979’s public breakdown here this afternoon is that he’s gone very big on the utterly weird notion that it’s somehow a devastating putdown to tell somebody “you have don’t have kids!!!”, while simultaneously allying himself with the anti-vaccine rhetoric of the pretend Italian/pretend Tyronian, who has publicly taken a vow of chastity for his entire life. :grin:


Easy knowing why these oddballs have no kids, no woman would put up with their shit.