Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Itā€™s so funny to see the anti-vaxxers talk constantly about the need for ā€œtoleranceā€ for othersā€™ views while constantly calling people ā€œfascistsā€. And eulogising Putin. :grin:

Brain rot is a nawful thing.

Itā€™s funny how the vaccine fascists are actually asked to debate the point and merely try and misrepresent people in the middle ground as being on the opposite crazy extreme end that theyā€™re on.

FYI vaccine fascists, not everyone is as crazy as you guys are.

Contradicting themsleves every few posts. Anger frazzles the mind so much they donā€™t know whether theyā€™re coming or going. Very amusing to see them tying themselves in knots and then calling someone else an idiot.

Generally on this forum you can tell when people are on the wind or fuck acting for kicks but you can tell thereā€™s something more there behind their posts today, thereā€™s a real visceral embarrassment, unhappiness and furious anger there.

Might be best to leave off.

Still no answer as to why children should have an experimental vaccine shoved upon them for a virus that is of little or no threat to them.

The thing about fascism is that it suppresses any discussion, it focuses on censorship, it does not facilitate debate, democracy or critical thinking so itā€™s not surprised to see the vaccine fascists disregard the question and instead focus on baseless attacks that have no logic or coherent argument.

By being unable to frame a coherent argument, itā€™s an admission from the vaccine fascists that they are merely ignorant bullies without the human qualities or intelligence to argue their point.

Iā€™m all open to this discuss this as Iā€™m a very tolerant man. Why would a vaccine fascist discuss this when they can just make false, unsubstantiated allegation?

If someone said theyā€™d shoot a member of family dead or theyā€™d let them go if youā€™d cut off your small toe, what would you do?

'Tis very funny see somebody ā€œdemanding answersā€ when the same fella has been in hiding from me for the last four months! :grin:

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I donā€™t know.

Theyā€™re a crazy person so I would probably try and see if I could reason with them and apply logic.

Why are you putting forward such a bizarre hypothetical situation?

Itā€™s difficult to tell but I think the logic is you need to get vaccinated to protect the vaccinated.

Good news indeed. This is a good day.

Even though they get vexed itā€™s important they are faced with the facts from time to time.

Vexed is the word of the day.

Facts is the word of every day.

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Lovely to see Mike join the conversation, an intellectual boost badly needed.

There must be a savage allure in being able to say youā€™ve had your kids ā€˜vaccinatedā€™. Id say If parents and kids were censored from talking about it thereā€™d be very little uptake


Rascal,5, got vaxxed a while back. He hasnā€™t missed a day in school yet while there are huge numbers being sent home every day with Covid symptoms. Heā€™s received vaccines for alll sorts from menagitis to chicken pox, no problem at all apart from a few rough days after one. As a parent, I have to say thereā€™s great comfort in having jabs that keep your kids well.


That could work.

Hardly a glowing endorsement for the vaccine fascists

Science is wonderful.

Hopefully the young lad stays well. It must be a worrying time to be a parent of child at school.

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There seems to be a real lack of conviction in the vaccine fascists ability to be able to put forward a compelling argument.

A key tenet of fascism is that they suppress opposition, dissenting voices. So the vaccine fascists are textbook fascists, thick, stupid idiots who are unwilling to enter into a discussion or exchange of views because they are unable to justify their intolerence when it comes to logic and rational behaviour.

Best for them to carry out polarising any discussion and misrepresenting anyone with a differing opinion.

What for mike?