Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Told you before. a CSE in woodwork wonā€™t get you into Mary IT

Itā€™s unlikely a booster shot will last longer than the original shots. The vulnerable will need regular boosters.

The vaccines do not work mate. Vaccinated can still contract the virus. They can still transmit it. They can still die from it.

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The vaccines do work. A quick comparison between the current death figures of 29% vaccinated Romania and western European countries which have vaccination rates between the high 60s and the 80s will very simply demonstrate that.

I think itā€™s important to manage our expectations, they are essentially just a prototypeā€¦they may go on to achieve considerable success, after some refinements etc

A mates 9 month old daughter just out after a week in temple st with it. A nasty one


Kids 5 times more likely to be hospitalised with it than Covid I never heard of it til couple of weeks ago

Pal in US has a kid with a heart condition. They got a RSV vaccine he was telling me but itā€™s not readily available and expensive so only kids with underlying conditions get it

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Our little fella spent 8 weeks in hospital with it, 6 of those in ICU. He was given last rites twice during that period. I had never heard of it either before he got it.

That vaccine costs 10k in Ireland. We had to fight tooth and nail for HSE to approve him the following year. Fact he was over 2 was a stumbling block. In the end, it did not matter as he passed before the start of the next RSV season.


Jesus. When was that. That must have been hell

Edit - sorry just seeing the edit now. I didnā€™t realised he passed. I remember now you had said it before. Sorry for that.

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March 2014, he caught it right at end of rsv season that year.

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Covid is the only show in town.

Kids are at danger now because their immune systems are vulnerable due to the fanatical Covid nuts wanting society locked down.

interesting lads are chatting on RSV.
@fenwaypark , I hope you and yours are all OKā€¦jesus.
So Iā€™ve heard of 2 cases of it here in last few weeks, both kids 2 or 3 brothers of kids in schoolā€¦they know it was RSV as after the parents took them to AE in drogheda one was sent to temple St and I dont know about the otherā€¦

fuck Iā€™ve never seen so many kids sick, the football this morning was unreal big deep coughs and dirty noses, maybe we re more aware of it nowā€¦I dunno

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Jaysus. Tough little bastard.

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Christ! My heart goes out to you. Thatā€™s a tough burden. Good luck, I hope you and the wife and family are doing OK.

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I didnā€™t know that, very sorry for your trouble.

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My personal highlight for peak insanity would be that lady doctor on NPHET, canā€™t remember her name, who gave the warning that covid could make your penis shrink

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All good. We are blessed to have two healthy little girls now. He was 3 years and 4 months when he passed. We suffered terrible tragedies during that period. Our luck changed after he passed away. I genuinely believe, he is looking after us.


My sister has twins who are 3 and I was down at my motherā€™s Friday when the pair of them were there. Had them pigging on pancakes and then out for a big walk.

We got back and one of them said not feeling well. Let her down on the couch to rest. My mother checked on her and sheā€™s gone blue. Iā€™ve not felt fear like it.

Had to bomb to the hospital with her on my motherā€™s lap struggling to breathe, shivering, barely responding to us.

Sister met us at hospital and went in with her. Thankfully all fine shortly thereafter and was told itā€™s a virus affecting kids doing a nasty trade presently. Iā€™d imagine itā€™s this RSV mentioned.

Still shook from the image of her gone blue