Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The replies are a good reminder of how much of a backward shithole of a country we live in. Peak nonsense, outside of the junk science, was telling parents that childrenā€™s clothes were not essential.


An excellent archiveā€¦surprised @mikehunt didnā€™t feature

There is a lot of people who lost their minds over this. I know a girl who is mid twenties and hasnā€™t had sex with her bf who she doesnā€™t live with since the start of the pandemic. All over covid

Id say her issues go a lot deeper than covid


Some people went massively OTT on the bad science and still stick to it today. Masks and surfaces are the big thing. Covid is airborne. Social distancing is another. No evidence. Then all the ridiculous contradictory rules the government come out with every week.

Aye. I suspect so. Herself finds it very strange like. Wouldnt put up with it myself an awful strain on the relationship to maintain full social distancing etc. Because you donā€™t live together

Is social distancing kind of like VAR offside calls I wonder is the 2m between mouths only. If yer man had a 2.1m flute heā€™d still be able to give her some kind of a dart.


@Cicero_Dandi would have breezed through lockdown under such restrictions. Heā€™d have done it standing on his head, so to speak.


You could be sitting beside a guy at work, with no face coverings on, but if you were to saunter across the road to the Sparā€¦mask time! Masks in shops, but restaurants are grand. Coroney is a tricky customer.

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The only dart sheā€™ll take is from a nurse in a hazmat suit?

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Like Ivor Cummins, Iā€™d say heā€™s desperate for Covid to remain with us as a scourge forever. Only remote chance he has of paying the bills.

Coronavirus is here to stay. Just like influenza.

That very much remains to be seen. If it is so it will mainly be as a result of selfishness and greed, which will end up being self defeating for humanity.

I donā€™t think so mate. Weā€™ve learned to live with flu. I believe in humankindā€™s ability to live with coronavirus. We can do this.

Several restaurants shut down in NorCal in past week for failing to enforce vaccine mandate. In Orange County for the last few days, not a mask in sight nor asked for vaccination status once. Same state.

This isnā€™t flu.

Itā€™s no different to going into an Irish city or large town, and then visiting a rural town. Night and day. Rural dwellers have taken a view that if you want to stay at home and wet the bed, do so. If youā€™d prefer to go out for a few beers and possibly catch the coof and die, knock yourself out.

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Agreed. For people my age, flu is a far more dangerous prospect.

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RSV is raging here through the toddler population, two months ahead of normal season. Kids are very vulnerable with no immunity built up.

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I would much rather contract flu than Covid. The long term effects of Covid have already been proven to be far more damaging and the real long term effects of Covid on all ages are unknowable.

People who have survived Covid and remain unvaccinated have a much higher death rate from other conditions than the vaccinated.

Whatā€™s happening in our schools at the moment is an extremely dangerous mass medical experiment, for multiple reasons, the long term effects and the effects on the rest of the population of as a driver of mass spread.

I wouldnā€™t be letting a kid next nor near school before Christmas if I could help it.