Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The place would fall apart if we didnā€™t have lads WFH and/or civil servants


I respect that post @Cheasty , at least you have your view and you stick to it.

Nphet have got everything wrong to date.

Do you understand the difference between a control measure and having control?

I do mate. Letā€™s play thegame your way so. How would you control the virus? What would you do if you were the taoiseach?

Gotta go for a while. Back later

Iā€™ve consistently laid out what I would do if you want to have a realistic chance of keeping society open.

Vaccine passports as a first prerequisite for entry into the discretionary economy. On top of that, a 72 hour pass system based on a negative PCR or antigen test. No entry without the both.

An expansion of testing capacity, work from home reinstated across the board, vaccine mandates for state workers, the encouragement of vaccine mandates by private businesses, mask mandates in schools, social distancing where possible, 25% capacity at sporting events, 25% capacity on public transport, comprehensive easy to access sick pay. Contact tracing in schools should return. Boosters for 60+ and frontline workers rolled out as an urgent priority. Vaccination down to 5 years of age rolled out as fast as possible. Boosters for all ages to follow. Spend the necessary millions to install in proper ventilation in public buildings.

Nightclubs will probably have to go with the situation we are in now Iā€™m afraid. Schools may well have to go online again. Iā€™ve said several times that if I had a child of school going age I would be keeping them out if at all possible.


yer man conor riocht is having an atrocious pandemic.
ā€œhospitalizations are plateauingā€ insert a made up graph from excel 101 . junior cert
" oh thanks conor your data is the beessst"

28 days laterā€¦

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Robin putting the foot down! Have you given any thought to opening up Long Kesh again and putting the unvaxxed in it?

Itā€™s funny. On the 19th of April he made a public statement saying he was against the idea. Two days later he wrote a private letter urging the executive to discuss it.
Thatā€™s the sort of scum weā€™re dealing with.

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I canā€™t understand how we are heading into December and there seems to be very little clarity in terms of what is happening with this.

Surely a wee bit strong there? Wee Robinā€™s just doing his best. Youā€™re finding yourself on the same side as Baby Doc and Van the Cunt here. Strange bedfellows.

So why was he lying to the public? And why arenā€™t you bothered. Swann is an incompetent fuckwitā€¦in what way has he measured upā€¦fewer beds, fewer staff, longer waiting lists etc etc. Utterly useless with enough cute hoorism to dupe the masses by acting all serious.

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Are you still here

No. You?

3 of the 4 points could have been done 12 months ago.

I was in coppers on Saturday night. Only difference between then and now was I had to show a vax pass. Most people under 40 I predict will ignore restrictions. They see through the lies

Flesh that out. Which lies exactly do you refer to and in what way exactly are people seeing through them?

We are being lied to, but we are being lied to in an effort to keep things open while public health measures are reduced to the minimum. Which is exactly the way you donā€™t want to be lied to if you value public health.

Fucking covid cert for the gym :roll_eyes:

get your papers in order