Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Itā€™s mostly just lies that he tells to himself in fairness

no one gives a fuck


Of course itā€™s possible. It was possible and still is possible.

But to do that, you have to reject the deluded notion of cutting corners to get back to 2019 normality.

It is obvious to anybody looking honestly at this pandemic now that a zero tolerance approach, ie. ultimate elimination, is the only tenable strategy.

We cannot live with this virus. We have to eliminate it.

How can society function on a long term basis like this?

The truth is: it cannot.

If we carry on like this, it is a recipe for the breakdown of societies. It is that serious.

It cant be eliminated and trying to eliminate it is a recipe for the breakdown of societies.

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I completely disagree, you are totally wrong.

Shouting I am right and throwing in the odd yis over and over again wonā€™t change that.

How is vaccinating all of your population with three shots a recipe for societal breakdown?

I donā€™t know how ye stick it on Craggy island, the constant media bombardment, the shite the second you get off the plane, PLF, yellow fucking signs everywhere, ads on the radio the second you get in the car, every cunt on nearly every programme shiteing on about covid, case numbers announced religiously every day with mask wearing morons glued to it, I dip in here and boards and Irish twitter, christ it would drive you ape

Say what you want about the Brits, but thank god I live here, Life is normal, no one gives a shite about this nonsense


Weā€™d a colleague leave us after 13 years last week ago and a note went out to say farewell to her and that it would be marked another time (i.e. no gathering)

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I keep asking you this and you keep evading. What is the benefit of uncontrolled Covid spread? Itā€™s what you have consistently advocated for. So there have to be some benefits, right?! What are they?!


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Do you really believe 3 shots for the entire population will eliminate covid, pal?

I think it likely would.

McDonkey was saying otherwise today in fairness to him. I think its the first time Iā€™ve agreed with him.

Real world evidence has shown that boosters very significantly curb the virus.

Heā€™s suggesting that it will just be temporary though. I would tend to agree with that view.

If you look at the form lines. It actually makes total sense. Its not like the 3rd jab is any different to the inital jabs.

Iā€™ve no need to engage with nonsense. This is the level you descend to after a small bit of engagement. Good luck and thanks.

Itā€™s not uncontrolled mate. We still have many restrictions in place. Masks are mandatory indoors, we have vaccine passes, social distancing in some places and anyone who can is wfh. Some areas of the economy are completely fucked and have never really got back. But we are allowed socialise etc. The government are trying to balance peopleā€™s rights and measures to combat the virus. Trying to keep buy in from most of the people because otherwise control measures are useless anyway. To say it is uncontrolled is completely wrong. We are trying as best we can to control it.


And there boys in Port hanging from the rafters all through the night and not a care in the world. 2 tier society indeed.

Get out and live lads, get out and fucking live.

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Israel has gone from 10/11k cases to 479 cases in their latest daily figure. Thatā€™s within two months. I donā€™t have the exact figures to hand but I think thatā€™s with between 4 and 5 million boosters rolled out in a population of 8.84 million.

If you applied that to whole population youā€™re realistically looking at eliminating it entirely.

Projection ahoy. Bye now.