Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

In fairness itā€™s also allowed a lot of people to sleep on the job too.

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More stupidity.

Are you going to keep on showing yourself to a be a naive simpleton?

Update number three: My older fella just wet himself while I was on a call. In better news, the younger fella has been napping since 12.30.

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Do you still have to pay the crĆØche? Is it charge per day attended or a monthly fee? Iā€™ve no idea on childcare

You need to rub his face in it

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Iā€™d also like to draw flu deniers like @farmerinthecity to this thread.

Yes, situation outside our control, taking this action to protect children and staff, staff will still need to be paid, sincere apologies but we have no other option etc etc.

Awful shower. I assume itā€™s very hard to get in somewhere for childcare but sounds like they are fleecing for it. Children are always sick at this time of year. Thatā€™s before we get onto the cost

Do you really think anyone with Covid is going to say they were clubbing? :joy:

Shut up you fool :joy:

Why not?

Come off it ffs

Weak sauce. If you are going to discuss a topic, know a bit what you are talking about. U.K. hospital admissions are not a daily topic of conversation here, they are what they are.

Ireland has hundreds of hospital admissions a week during peak flu season. It puts severe pressure on the health service and there are near daily statements on how much of a calamity it is at peak. If we had modellers telling us the worst case scenario, how do you think that will run?

With the 200, are you referring to Covid or Influenza? If itā€™s Covid, then yes. You are genuinely putting forward 500 as a number worth discussing when we have a 90%+ fully vaccinated population, near 100 in ā€œat riskā€ categories vaccinated and boosters currently going into their arms? You are really putting that forward when we see the impact of vaccines already here and how boosters are working elsewhere? It isnā€™t actually the virus in control- itā€™s modelling. You have picked up on a piece of modelling and set that as policy.

If the numbers in ICU rise to 200 then we will have to ride it out again.

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More :uk: propaganda

I donā€™t get. People would lie to contact tracers if theyā€™d been to a club, but if they hadnā€™t they wouldnā€™t? Whatā€™s your reasoning on that?

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Ask Freud

Our little one started a new creche and there was a bedding in period. She caught hand foot and mouth in the bedding in periodand was out for the next two weeks. They tried to charge us for those two weeks.

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I think we may just accept a lockdown every winter now if the HSE capacity to cope is what determines it

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One that lasts into about May :cold_sweat:

Youre actually not allowed make valid points like that on here. Cop the fuck on.