Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Have you had your booster?

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Any restrictions up North?

Mandatory vaccines in Austria. Full on dystopian nightmare shit right there


There once was an Austrian dictator…

It should not surprise people it’s a right wing party that are currently ruling Austria either.

That is fucking horrific lads.

Holohan doesn’t trust people to use antigen tests correctly and so he has pretty much tried to block or frustrate any effort to use them at all. A year ago Holohan didn’t trust people to use masks correctly. He was completely wrong.

Widespread use of antigen testing would pick up a lot of cases and take them out of circulation. It’s bizarre that we don’t use them, and that we have no guidance on when they should be used.

If everyone going to work, or every school child did two a week how many cases would they pick up that otherwise go unchecked and contribute to further spread? Quite a good bit I’d say.

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Denmark has widespread use of antigen tests and cases are going up very quickly.

I would point to this line from Professor Ricciardi:

But Prof Ricciardi said that the Delta variant has changed everything – and that it was always an illusion that Europe could keep its societies open given the threat it poses.

This seems to be the unpleasant nub of the whole thing.

Of course cases are going up in the winter season.


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23000 cases here today and 403 deaths reported. The peak of the current wave is anticipated around the end of next week when they are forecasting 38000 cases. That would be higher than the March record of 35000. They expect 20000 cases a day up to Christmas and the hospitals to be overloaded by then. Still not a word about restrictions.


What a meaningless point. No one ever suggested antigen tests would stop cases going up. You’re ability to respond to very basic points has gone through the floor.

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If they don’t have any effect on cases going up, what is the point of them, so?

Agreed. lads looking to fight me at 4 in the morning… These anti Vax freaks are totally unhinged.


Doesn’t that weirdo live in America?

Do you really want me to engage with such stupidity? What’s the point of masks? What’s the point of vaccines? What’s the point of anything?

How is it stupidity? The narrative about antigen tests has long been that they would keep cases down.

That strongly appears to not be the case.

Surely you would appreciate that Professor Ricciardi has a very serious point here?

No it hasn’t. Denmark’s cases are going up, what’s the point of vaccination? I can’t tell if you’re purposely trying to be stupid or if this is just the level you’ve descended to.

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The bad news is the virus can still cause long covid, where the absence of symptoms can be particularly difficult to treat


How is the health system generally in Poland versus Ireland ?

The point of vaccination is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be explained to you.

For several months now you have been asking why Ireland has had relatively high case figures and have implied that it is because we aren’t using antigen testing enough.

Yet Denmark, the best country anywhere in terms of testing, is now seeing a rapid rise.

I would be open to the idea that in a summer situation, when used in tandem with a range of other non-pharmaceutical interventions, antigen testing may help somewhat, but as we move into winter the pro-antigen testing argument seems to smack more and more of fighting the last war.

It all comes back to that line from Professor Ricciardi - it was always an illusion that Europe could keep its societies open given the threat Delta poses.

People need to start strongly considering that Professor Ricciardi may be correct.

The experts that agree with me are correct.
The experts that disagree with me are wrong.

x100 pages
