Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

He is the stupid personā€™s idea of an intelligent man.

I wouldnā€™t listen to him much (though I have if he has a guest on I like) but all Iā€™ve heard him say re vaccines is ā€œget one if you want and donā€™t if you donā€™t.ā€

Thatā€™s very like saying ā€œif you have HIV, wear a condom having sex if you want, and donā€™t wear one if you donā€™t wantā€.

I disagree.

If you have HIV, you have it. If you donā€™t have a vaccine, it doesnā€™t mean you have Coronavirus.

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You disagree because you donā€™t have the ability to think critically. You are not a free thinker. Your ā€œthinkingā€ operates within a very narrow window controlled by right wing disinformation sources.

Ok mate


Ah thatā€™s typical Joe Rogan nonsense - Iā€™m just going to let all these mentallers on my show talk shite and then you make up your own mind and itā€™s nothing to do with me.

Like yourself I donā€™t really hate him. Iā€™ve never listened to his show because it seems so long and dull.


American libertarianism is the stupid personā€™s idea of an intelligent ideology.

In reality it is the crack cocaine of zombie ā€œthinkingā€.

It might be. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever listened to a full podcast (except the Tyson Fury one) but some of the guests I do find interesting so Iā€™d listen to snippets. Only ā€œfar rightā€ guys like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Kelly Pavlik and the Undertaker, obviously.

Regardless of his stance on vaccines, or anything, I wouldnā€™t be cheerleading that he got sick or mocking him for it, like I have seen on Twitter

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Sure one of your nutty mob here was laughing at Samantha Willis last week because she died.

And not one of you objected.

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I donā€™t have a mob and I have no idea who Samatha Wills is


Also this Tess Lawrie woman is an anti-vaccine nutcase. Cc: of @glenshane.

Samantha Willis is the pregnant woman from Derry who died of Covid less than two weeks ago. Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t heard of her, the story was only all over the Irish news and media for two days.

Fluvio was laughing at her, calling her fat, strongly implying that she either deserved to die or was no loss. He essentially dismissed her death as a funny. The OIUTF mob here were fine with that.

Rogan is a ā€œlibertarianā€ cunt who is a gateway drug to conspiracism, anti-vaxx idiocy and every other crazy idea pushed by US ā€œlibertarianismā€. His ideas and ideology deserve to be mocked. And I wouldnā€™t feel too sorry for somebody who rakes in 11 million dollars a year or whatever it is. Heā€™s a big boy.

And your thinking is obsessed with being anti right wing instead of truly being free.


Any rational thinker is obsessively anti-right-wing these days. Right-wing ideology is the major problem with our planet in all areas of policy.

This is undeniable.

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He canā€™t even articulate what right wing is and now it might differ from left wing. At the extremes they are the same essential philosophy.

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What a dumb post.

I genuinely havenā€™t heard of her. Iā€™ve been ill myself for the past few weeks. Whoever the OUITF mob are, Iā€™m not responsible for what they say. If they mocked a dead woman then fuck them.

Donā€™t listen to Joe Rogan. You are free to do so.

Go on thenā€¦.

Anti-vaccine ideology is inherently right wing. Letting a killer pandemic virus spread in the name of ideology is inherently right wing. Climate change denial is inherently right wing. Anti-legitimate speech ideology such as the banning critical race theory and any legitimate examination of imperial history is inherently right wing. ā€œMarketā€ solutions to housing and health are right wing. Anti-abortion laws are right wing. Obsession with ā€œwokenessā€ as a manufactured boogie man is inherently right wing. Promotion of bullshit as propaganda under the fake cloak of ā€œfree speechā€ as a way to prevent any positive change in society is inherently right wing. Rejection of science, of fact, of reason. Refusal to consider collective problems and instead framing them as ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ or ā€œfree choicesā€ is Lord Of The Flies right wing bullshit.

And thatā€™s all right wing politics is these days. Itā€™s nihilism and promotion of hatred and stupidity for the masses, extreme wealth hoarding for the few, who pull the ladder up after them and laugh, all while claiming to be ā€œanti-eliteā€.

It really is very instructive which posters object to any criticism of right-wing ideology. I suppose itā€™s a way for nutcases to self-identify in public.