Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is China right wing?

Right and left wing labels are meaningless.

In the same way as Communism and Nazism were/are essentially the same philosophy.

Yes, on balance it’s overwhelmingly so. It’s state capitalist, ethno-nationalist to the point of genocide, anti-freedom and anti-free speech and democracy. It shares significant similarities with 1930s European fascist ideology.

These are all ideas that the current mainstream international right-wing admire, such as the Republican party in the US, the Brexiteers, Putin, Orban, Modi, Duterte, Bolsonaro etc.

So left and right wing labels are essentially meaningless.

The only reason you’d say that is if you’re trying to defend the international right-wing and its associated ideology that is hell bent on nihilistic tyranny.

You’ve just stated a Communist State is right wing.

Communism is traditionally viewed as a left wing ideology.

So right and left wing labels are meaningless.

Anyway I’m off to enjoy a day of nihilistic pursuits.

Jamie is quoting you

Jamie is a great guy. A lovely Cork wit and the sort of hurling man who seeks to make the game accessible rather than seeking to turn people off it.

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The lockdown increased suicides narrative was bullshit. Shame on anybody who pushed it.

Christ above.

Or if they get covid there’s about a 5% chance of long covid, so it reduces the chances of long covid by 2.5%…if you get covid, or rather if you get a positive diagnosis for covid

It’s become a hackneyed phrase.

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I think People used it about Trump originally ?

Was it not Boris J?

I honestly don’t know and its a bit baffling, I’m surprised that immunologists and the media are not clamoring for it. If you think about it logically the genome of the original virus was known by mid January and in a few weeks there were several vaccine candidates, at least the mRNA ones. So once the genome is known making a vaccine is trivial, the time taken to release was in formulating a delivery system, animal testing and clinical trials. The vaccines clearly work in producing neutralizing antibodies against all variants up to Delta, but Delta appears to be evading it, at least in a subset of people. If that recent Japan study is to be believed we could be on the version of a Delta++ that completely evades the existing vaccines. Maybe they want to see if boosters work first before moving to a second generation vaccine, but I think that’s high risk if the Japanese scenario happens.

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I defo heard it said about Trump when he got elected …


Elizabeth Bowen writing about Aldous Huxley December 11, 1936:

“Mr. Huxley has been the alarming young man for a long time, a sort of perpetual clever nephew who can be relied on to flutter the lunch-party … He is at once the truly clever person and the stupid person’s idea of the clever person.”

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It’s become a fairly standard stupid person’s unoriginal idea of a clever thing to say about someone. I’d say anyone resorting to it at this stage is totally sick of their own shit


It’s gone full circle

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China is not a capitalist country, state capitalism is by definition anti capitalist. Only left wing lunatics think the state controlling the means of production is a good idea, every decent country in the world to live in is based on free market capitalism. In practice there is no difference between the China of today and the USSR of the 20th century, horrible oppressive regimes run by ideological nutcases.

It could be argued that everyone has the ability to think critically, but not everyone has the necessary critical thinking skills or the disposition towards implementing them. I would argue that anyone that knocks or promotes a news piece purely based on the source lacks the necessary disposition towards critical thinking. Right-wing news sources are not automatically classed as “disinformation”, and similarly left-wing news sources are not automatically classed as “truth”. Such notions immediately fit the bill of lacking critical thinking skills and disposition.

Check out Stanovich’s work on what he called “dysrationalia”. This is an inability to think or behave in a rational manner, despite having sufficient intelligence. Being able to form rational beliefs and also to take rational action are important skills in today’s world. It involves being open-minded and being mindful of others, having honesty in facing your biases and beliefs, and having the flexibility and willingness to reconsider and revise your views.