Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Left wing progressives are unable to do anything you mention there, their entire worldview is based on being 100% right and hatred for opposing views. This is a reason all totalitarian regimes in modern history emerged from left wing ideology. You have to be some mental contortionist to define communism as right wing, but that’s the place left wing ideologues end up.

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I hold out hope that they can change and we can all get along.

I was using that phrase about Jordan Peterson years ago.

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The only hope for society is to push the extremists on both sides to the periphery where they can shout away but do no harm.

Extremist balderdash, ironically driven by nothing other than irrational hatred.

I don’t hate anyone, I resist people who extreme. You are so extreme you don’t even recognize you are extreme, like most ideologues. Thankfully your type exist on the fringes of society and have no influence.


So what’s extreme about me?

Again, ironically, your post here is a prima facie example of extremism.

As I said you are so extreme you can’t recognize you are extreme. There is effectively no difference in ideology between your positions and those of the furthest left of the Democratic party in the US and the furthest left of the Labour party in the UK, the Corbyn wing.

Ireland is still a relatively conservative country. Unlike you I live in a location run by left wing progressives where I can see and experience the harm they are doing to society. Absolutely insane policies like decriminalizing theft, freeing violent criminals, defunding police, destroying public schools, etc. The left in the US are increasingly crazy and consumed with hatred, mostly of themselves, and are completely out of their minds. And completely out of touch. The very same progressives who claim to represent the working class enact policies that specifically harm the working class. 48% of the population of San Fran are white, yet only 15% of children attend public school. Why is that do you think? It’s because white progressives send their own kids to private schools, while lecturing on how public schools should be ran. Hypocritical nutcases.

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You didn’t answer the question. That’s an incoherent, extremist rant. Thanks for that Laurence Fox.

I did answer the question and gave you examples.

If you lived in Oakland like I do would you support defunding the police? The city council recently voted to decrease the police budget. Do you think that’s a good idea? White leftist progressives think it’s a good idea. Minorities living in high crime neighborhoods think it’s a bad idea and want more policing, the 2 council members who voted no represent the poorest neighborhoods with highest violent crime. Which side are you on in that argument?

You didn’t answer the question at all.

You went on a rant based on your extremist anti-woke ideology.

Anti-woke is white supremacism. There’s nothing remotely extreme about pointing out such extremism.

I did answer the question and I have now given you a specific example to outline your position. But you cannot answer, which means of course you support defunding the police, an insane stance which only a nutcase white leftist progressive can adopt.

Do you think defunding the police in a city with high violent crime rates is a good idea? If so why do you think non white minorities disagree with you?

If you cannot answer it means you are incapable of critical thinking, exactly the point @ironmoth was making.

You haven’t given an example. You just went on a typical Tucker Carlson style rant.

All the while, in your attempt to portray yourself as sensible and moderate, you shout about ideas you don’t like being "insane " and only held by “nutcases”. You class all leftist progressives as “totalitarian”.

Again, thanks for that proving of my point, but you’re failing badly here.

It’s a very specific example and you can’t answer. You are not interested in debate as you can’t defend your positions and resort to deflection and name calling. Grow up and start using your brain.

You responded to my very reasonable question not by answering it, but by going on a Fox News style rant against sensible ideas you don’t like.

You are proving my point beautifully.

All of this is true. And you’ll probably have Joe Rogan and @Tierneevin1979 furiously shilling for it online.

Explain how having less police in a city that has a very high and escalating violent crime rate is a sensible idea. The people living in the neighborhoods affected think it’s a bad idea, but a woke white Irish lad living in a safe Irish city with low crime and almost non existent violent crime thinks it’s a good idea.

As I said you are incapable of rational thinking.

As always you resort to lies, another example of your pathetic extremism.

I am pro vaccine and believe Ivermectin should be studied further as a antiviral against Covid. Don’t misrepresent my position asshole.

I haven’t lied or misrepresented your position, I made a lighthearted quip about your tendency to believe any conspiracy theory under the sun, as long it’s pushed by the US right-wing.

Such as, say, hydroxychloroquine, which you furiously pushed on this forum.

You’re still not answering the question, you’re still ranting like Tucker Carlson.