Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I don’t really get that logic of imposing yourself on everyone else. Presumably the vast majority of people who havent taken up the vaccine have worked all their lives and have contributed via taxation to the HSE. You’re also not considering unvaccinated people with VHI etc.

Fairplay on agreeing it should be a choice though.

Tis only a cod.

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They’ve been given medical advice and want to ignore it. Grand. You don’t get butter on both sides of your cake and eat it

What’s interesting here is the anti vaxx crowd are the same lads who are against things like social welfare - hand out culture as they call it – they shout ‘Personal responsibility’ - but then they want to side step personal responsibility here and if they should get sick they want to avail of a hand out… it’s fascinating to watch.

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Drip drip.
Do you think this will mean three doses per year from now on? Apart from not being entitled to “freedoms” would there be any health implications of opting out of this ongoing vaccination programme?

What’s interesting is the pro Vax crowd are obsessed with personal ‘choice’ and bodily integrity in relation to abortion (for the mother that is, definitely not the baby) but now are trying to force a vaccine on people.

Two can play at this game pal.

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I have said repeatedly that people are free to choose…

Ok but by conflating the decision to take a vaccine with personal responsibility, and suggesting healthcare be denied, should it also be denied to people who need it due to alcohol, smoking, diet etc? Healthcare is a human right, it shouldn’t be contingent on any behaviour

Do smokers and co get free health care? I merely made the suggestion if people choose not to get vaccinated that if they end up in hospital we are now past the point of a free stay now that there’s a vaccine…a stay in the ICU costs the state up to 50k a person.

Smokers and non vaxxers should be shot on arrival to hospitals.

You are suggesting they are there due to a personal decision so must pay for it…same as the other categories I mentioned. Slippery slope trading healthcare for modified behaviour

But it’s only a cod so what are these people getting treatment for?

Tisnt a cod. Tisnt the end of the world either yet.

Unless you live in South Australia.

That’s where we keep the rapists.

Does the same apply to someone that has taken up a free vaccine and still ends up sick and in the hospital? Perhaps they get Myocarditis from the vaccine. Bells palsy? Guillain-BarrĂŠ syndrome? If someone dies or gets seriously injured from the vaccine, who foots the bill for the subsequent enquiries and payouts?

Those people took medical advice and have done their best to save humanity. The state will happily pay for those patriots.

Really? Because plenty of well-qualified, competent and indemnified doctors are warning against the risks of pushing a leaky vaccine during a deadly pandemic. Mutant viruses being shed from vaccinated is a cause for concern, but Tony says we have to take the jab so roll up the sleeve.

The state will happily pay for anyone that suffers an injury of any form that’s attributable to any vaccine, because they have indemnified the manufacturers. Medicine by bell curve may suit you and plenty of others, but I’d like more tailored solutions for me. I like to determine the risks and benefits of any treatment before I provide consent. I’ve been doing this for many years and it continues to serve me well.

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I just do what I’m told shur. Works fine for me.