Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

You and I both know thatā€™s a bare-faced lie.

This was the start of these type of comments as regards Covid. Guess who.

Sadly the OIUTF loons genuinely were hoping that suicide stats were through the roof because they made an ultra-confident assertion about such with no evidence whatsoever, in order to try and form a bullshit case against lockdowns. Then when confronted with the utter wrongness of that bullshit assertion, they have engaged in all sorts of mental gymnastics in order to deny its wrongness, the latest example of which we saw here yesterday.

As opposed to good medical advice.


David Nabarro of the WHO opposed to masks for under 13s

Youā€™d miss the days of @Dziekanowski and @anon7035031 firing volleys over and back at each other.

As opposedto medical advice tailored to their own needs. You know, where you discuss the benefits and risks of a treatment with your doctor. A mad notion for some.

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Covid is a far bigger cause of myocarditis than vaccines.

Itā€™s fascinating that the poster now seeking the high moral ground on mean posts on TFK is the same poster who routinely called fellow posters pedophiles and rapists, mocked the recently widowed Mrs Keady, mocked a fellow poster regrading his wifeā€™s cancer diagnosis, went on a deranged Twitter rampage against his perceived TFK enemies, doxed several posters, and tried to get people fired from their jobs.

You actually couldnā€™t make it up.


Woah. Somebody got out of bed on the wrong side.


I hope this is correct. Zero Covid for variants.

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Why does one VARIANT become completely dominant? Youā€™d think that the alpha and the Kent variants would still be tipping away to some degree.

Bill Gates funding.

I do not know a precise scientific explanation for why it happens. All we have to know is it happens.

One in seven children aged 11 to 17 who gets Covid will suffer from Long Covid. I think this is just a wee bit more serious than the inconvenience of wearing masks.

Schools have prompted a massive explosion in cases in Scotland and Delta spreads at the same rate among children as it does among adults. I donā€™t know why weā€™d expect to be any different than Scotland.

To me the return of schools in the way they are returning is a grossly irresponsible mass experiment on the health of children, all in the name of ā€œreassuranceā€ - which will have the opposite effect.

We are extremely lucky the vaccine roll out coincidenced with arrival of the variants. If there were no vaccines we would never have gotten out of lockdown.


You know to stop listening to someone as a credible source when they cite Long Covid.


Do you think David Navarroā€™s view is that itā€™s too inconvenient?

Because of natural selection. Once a virus mutates to add fitness (in this case more contagious) it quickly replaces other variants. Delta supremacy.

Essentially, yes. And I think his risk balance calculations are way off.

Iā€™m gonna go with the WHO guy on this one.

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