Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)


Mortio for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

I wouldn’t. Luke O’Neill is categorical masks should be worn by primary school children. In these sorts of situations where you have experts saying different things - and this has happened numerous times throughout the pandemic - the experts who were more pessimistic as regards the impact of the virus have pretty much always been proved correct.

This is one of those things that you keep repeating even though it’s wrong.


Chise may be wrong on this one, Delta makes a huge difference as it evades vaccines antibodies better than prior variants.


It’s correct. Pollyannaism doesn’t work.

Like Sam McConkey


McConkey was more correct than wrong.

I’m thinking of the likes of Deepti Gurdasani, Christina Pagel, Gregg Gonsalves, Anthony Costello, Martin McKee and the other ISAG or Independent SAGE group in the UK.

All have been consistently bearish in the face of the magical thinkers and have received extreme abuse for being right.

I’ve downloaded the paper and will delve into into it over the weekend. I will say that (apart from the fact it is not peer reviewed and could conceivably be rejected the editor) the study size looks very small.

It’s pre Delta so it’s largely irrelevant, Delta is clearly driving the increase in breakthrough infections.

Ireland’s numbers have levelled off including hospitalisations and ICU.

You have said that it is declining antibodies, you can’t have it both ways.

How is this possible we were told MHQ would soften the coughs of the dirty foreigners???

Ireland has highest incidence of Covid-19 in EU, says centre for disease control (via @IrishTimes) Ireland has highest incidence of Covid-19 in EU, says centre for disease control


You didn’t lock up the dirty English with their Delta variant.

All we needed to do was have Luke O’Neill and Bernard O’Shea bouncing around in their border bubbles.

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You said this above;

Israel have reported 4 fold reduction in infections amongst those given a booster, with Delta prevalent, so there is something clearly off in your logic here.

It is not conclusive either on Delta, either;

A preprint does not make it irrelevant. The article you yourself just posted was a preprint, nice try.

It is far too soon to be making conclusive statements like you are.

Obviously if vaccine antibodies have depleted after 6 months (the Israel study in July looked at January and April vaccinated, and found efficacy against Delta of 16% for January, 79% for April), if you administer a booster shot you are going to make more more antibodies and they will help prevent infections, short term at least. I am not claiming the vaccines don’t work against Delta.

I have no issue with preprints, maybe you are confusing me with Sid. All research papers start as preprints and yet to be peer reviewed. The issue with the study Chise is excited about is that it is pre Delta. It is well established that Delta has better vaccine escape than prior variants. More vaccine escape + less antibodies = more infections of vaccinated. If you can’t grasp that I can’t help you further.

The booster shots will definitely give a reprieve, but perhaps at a cost, time will tell.

Some fellas will be delighted to hear Joe Rogan has tested negative for covid today


Ivermectin Ivermectin Ivermectin

or natural immunity, or vitamin D, or steroids, or something.


Lol, that’ll drive the ‘Joe Rogan’s a stupid man’s idea of intelligent’ midwit types absolutely demented. Internet frothing at the mouth will be off the charts.