Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Numbers are still fairly steady in the 1k daily range.

Surely this is win, win if death and hospitalisations remain very low with more immunity?

Itā€™s a question I ask frequently but donā€™t seem to get much of a response.

Why isnā€™t antibody testing done?

a) Big pharma donā€™t profit as much from it as vaccines
b) Big pharma havenā€™t pursued it due to a
c) Is complex and much more difficult to design and test and reliability of results are poor

Surely doing mass testing over the course of a month or so is the most comprehensive way to see what position we are in for a return to normality?

Antigen testing, fit healthy, flexing and being apparently right wing in the opinion of some folks

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Just ordered one today, 50 squid from loyds farm supplies

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Regardless of his stance on face-masks, Dave Navarro was in Janeā€™s Addiction, not The Who.


Hard to reassure people while scaring the vaccine into them

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I really do find it amazing how some chaps are willing to blindly trust Big Pharma as honest brokers here in a billion dollar business line for them.

Whatever about the safety or effectiveness weā€™re witnessing the biggest cash grab in history. Ppe, ventilators, vaccines, loans, grants etc. Total madness

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Theyā€™ll find a new idiots smart man. Joe is uncanclable. Someone will be next.

Rogan, Rogan, Rogan


Billions of useless clothmasks being produced - that for the most part are useless.

Are they sustainable I wonder?

I forgot about pcr. The biggest scam of all


ā‚¬200 per test. How many are we still testing per week? I had a hse source tell me it was record numbers 2 weeks ago

Boris says no, enough of this nonsense

BBC News - Scientists not backing Covid jabs for 12 to 15-year-olds

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Good man yourself Michael. Its an unpleasant truth but someone had to say it about @mikehunt, and that @TheBlackSpot fella


Whoā€™s this Josh Rogan chap and why would I want him dead?


Youā€™re not trying to curry favour with the nut jobs anyways


The time to ask was before you tried to put the kabosh on the poor lad.

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Joe Rogan is one of the greatest men alive today.


Not 100% sure but I think he may be some sort of anti vaxx propagandist idolised by culchies like that @glenshane boy. I think he got the Covid and immediately assumed that anybody who was pro vaxx would be wishing him ill.
Itā€™s a sort of projection thing I think. The anti vaxxers are only too happy when a vaccinated person dies from some rare reaction to the vaccine.


Itā€™s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all heā€™s got and all heā€™s ever gonna have.

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