Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I know, Anderson wasnā€™t the same without coyle either. Sad how it all ended up

Yeah. Seemed that Gerry couldnā€™t accept the illness. He just went off air and nobody seemed to know why.

Anyway, we could segregate a few posters here with this

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Itā€™s strange alrightā€¦ He mostly letā€™s the guests do their thing. The podders on diet, the body or extreme fitness are generally brilliant. The one with the sleep expert is phenomenal.

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Right enough. Off the top of my head, Paul stamets, Michael pollens, the recent one with the woman from North Korea, randal carlson, the first one with dave Lee Roth, bernie saunders, wim hof, mike tyson etc. Where would you stop


Winter is coming.

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The downside to him is the circle jerk of comedians he has in his orbit. Tim Dillon is a fucking gem though.

I just donā€™t listen to any of them once I see ā€˜stand up comedianā€™. Rogan knows fuck all about comedy beyond deciding he was a comedian and imitating oneā€¦a bit like that zuby or Jay z etc deciding to be a musician and believing it until other people believed it etcā€¦humerica

Heā€™s a hugely divisive character who even though he craves attention is still able to take a back seat and play a more link man role. Heā€™s also in great physical shape if maybe a bit too beefy. He reminds me a lot of Aidan O Shea actually.


So is there any way out of this?

We will eventually have to open up for economic and social reasons.

Yourself and other posters argue about a lot on this site but Iā€™m more inclined to know LIDTF overall solutions.

There is simply no option now but to get on with it as the US and UK have done. The ZeroCovid advocates want restrictions to stay in place until Covid is completely eliminated, which is unlikely to happen in any of our lifetimes. Living with Covid and protecting the vulnerable as well as possible was always the correct strategy and even Australia has now come to this realization.

ZeroCovid is basically a cult, they crave a totalitarian society where the state controls everyone and everything, and anyone opposed to the state needs to be cancelled. Look at the people pushing ZeroCovid, the likes of PBP in Ireland who would actually love to see economic collapse so everyone can be equal.

The adults have to take over and push the loons to one side, this will simply never end otherwise. Hopefully the Irish government have the balls to stick with their October 22nd decision.


We literally are open and have been for months. If youā€™d venture out, like.

Sorry but youā€™re the guy that has lately been i) pushing Doomsday theories of super evasive variants, Antibody Dependent Enhancement and vaccines are gonna kill us all.

At the same time you say that ii) thereā€™s no other option except 2019 normality.

You canā€™t have it both ways.

To even consider i) as a realistic possibility, which youā€™re more than doing, and believe ii) simultaneously would constitute a literal Doomsday cult ideology.

More lies, I am pro vaccine and regard them as broadly safe. I wouldnā€™t pressure a parent to vaccinate a child though like you would, that is their decision.

Yes I think we have difficult times ahead but we also have no alternative but to live with Covid. We need to accelerate second generation vaccines and hopefully better treatment options. Every rational person on earth has come to this conclusion.


But you have been pushing the Doomsday theories I mentioned in my last post as realistic prospects.

If you believe they are realistic prospects, to support a return to 2019 normality would thus constitute gambling with literal human extinction.

Iā€™ve seen nothing whatsoever to believe those Doomsday theories are realistic prospects.

At the same time I donā€™t support a return to 2019 normality because what we are dealing with right now is too serious.

Again, none of this is that difficult. We need a multi-pronged approach. That means working from home is preferable where at all possible, safe mass vaccination down to 12 years of age and hopefully to 0 years of age when it is approved (as it very likely will be at some point over the coming months) vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, Denmark style mass testing in addition to that, ventilation, masks, social distancing where possible.

Thatā€™s how you promote confidence. Abandoning all measures is magical thinking and will very quickly come back to bite everybody and destroy confidence.

I havenā€™t been pushing anything, Iā€™ve been highlighting potential problems which could lie ahead which are well understood and have been studied and seen with other diseases. In a population with mass vaccination the virus will evolve to evade vaccine antibodies, just like prior variants evolved to evade existing antibodies from prior infection (Manaus). I sincerely hope we donā€™t see ADE, and we havenā€™t yet, but it is well described in the literature as a risk.

I donā€™t see any other option than returning to relative normality, the great majority of people have had enough of restrictions and are not going back. Itā€™s pretty well understood at this point how to avoid high risk environments, which is largely avoiding indoor gatherings. For example people who are worried about Covid shouldnā€™t go into an indoor pub or restaurant, and itā€™s naĆÆve to think you are safe if everyone in there is vaccinated.

The great majority of people operate within the rules and guidelines. If those rules and guidelines are gone, a lot more people will not do so, but many will still be very cautious, and rightly so. That promotes mass spread, but it also promotes economic devastation.

I cannot say exactly how the virus will evolve, but what is true is that the variants of concern we are currently dealing with pretty much all date from the era before mass vaccination, and what is also true is that the lower you drive cases, by whatever means, the less chance of further nasty variants. The higher we let cases go, the more the chance of something emerging.

Smallpox was eradicated and polio effectively eliminated in most of the world. These viruses did not mutate into super evasive variants when mass vaccination came on stream, they were ground into dust.

It has been demonstrated that with a range of interventions both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical that you can keep Delta at a very low level and likely eliminate it. Taiwan and New Zealand are doing this and currently doing it successfully.

With regard to Rogan, I donā€™t know him and Iā€™ve never listened to his podcast.

But heā€™s a young fit man, he got Covid and it didnā€™t kill him, isnā€™t that the case for 99.99% of people, what victory is being celebrated by the anti vaxx movement??

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Heā€™s in his 50s

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None worth talking about,. As you rightly pointed out heā€™s fit and healthy and had no call for the vaccine


Also why are the anti vaxx crew cheering for him when he endored the use of vaccines and was getting it himself. He only spit of alternatives and said healthy 21 year old are a low risk for covid and probably didnā€™t need it. Hes not anti vax