Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Might as well skip the 4th and get in line for the fifth

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Who are these people? How many of the 75 posters on here including multiple accounts meet you two criteria of being anti vaxx and pro Ivermectin?? And would you say these few people are representative of many in Irish society?

I think you’re confusing Covid vaccine hesitancy with being anti vaxx.


Lolz, whaddya mean you’ve only had 16 booster shots, the WHO recommends 17 you granny murderer!

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Where would you even start if you wanted to get the vaccine for the first time? Seriously
3 shots or the last 2?

Batches of 5 probably your best bet. Hang on until just before the Christmas lockdown and get shots 1 - 5 in to you. Boosters 6 - 10 then about mid summer when the Mayo hype starts rolling around again.

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I’d rather ate horse paste

You’re in luck, the little twerp @Tank knows ‘loads’ of people on facebook using it, he’ll hook you up

I’m sorted!


So, despite triple-vaccinating c.26% of its adult population, Israel is reporting a new record high in daily COVID-19 case numbers. It looks to be over 40% higher than the peak in winter. I’m not seeing anything here that’s going to persuade critical thinkers like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy or @glenshane to roll up their sleeves.


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If we stop testing will it end ?


The Swedes always maintain great emotional distance.

You could argue that it has long-since been a pandemic of testing and case numbers.

He missed ‘Sweden: No elderly’

If the vaccines stop deaths and serious illness then you wonder at what point they decide to stop testing and tell people with symptoms to manage it at home and isolate.

I called it months ago we should have stopped testing. We are testing record numbers and the system is at capacity.

Is anyone going to follow the money on whos making a mint off the pcr testing in ireland?

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The Chinese did a great job

Why on earth would you do that when it’s your primary source of information about levels of Covid in the community?

Why would you do that unless you wanted Covid to spread as much as possible?

Why would you do that if you don’t believe you can wish something away?

If you wanted to sabotage your health system, it’s probably something you’d think about doing, alright.

It will be interesting to see if what’s happening in Israel is seen elsewhere in the coming months. It’s not just cases that are rising, hospitalizations and deaths are up as well. The peak in January averaged around 75 deaths a day, they were back up to 50% of that number in August after dropping to near zero in May - July.

78% of the over 12 population are fully vaccinated (61% of total population), yet 60% of those hospitalized in August were fully vaccinated. 90% of them are over 60 so it’s the same demographic that are being hit hardest again as in earlier waves.

Early data from booster shots is promising, so we should see their numbers drop off quickly again.

It’s a great feeling when you were part of the minority who was were not mugged off in a Ponzi scheme.

The savvy operators did not buckle under the pressure.