Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Neo liberal capitalists are the ones profiting massively from PCR testing, vaccination drives and lockdowns but something right wing, something Putin, something 5G, something American libertarian etc.

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Bualadh bos for you!

It’s great craic when somebody claims something is a neo-liberal capitalist conspiracy and then in the same sentence places themselves firmly on the side of neo-liberal capitalists.

You can only imagine the knots that person’s brain is tied up in.

Expand please.

90% fully vaxxed. Does the vaccine work or not? Enough is enough at this stage

No offence but that’s the sort of dumbed down question a Sun reader would ask.

Does it work against death and illness, yes absolutely, it works very well, though not completely foolproof.

Does it prevent all transmission? No.

Does it help to reduce transmission? Yes it seems so.

Do the vaccines work better the more the percentage of your population is vaccinated? Yes, it seems so.

Does the effectiveness of the vaccines wane with time? Yes, it seems so.

Will the virus stay the same? Probably not.

So the sort of question you ask is pure crude reductionism and makes no effort to come to terms with the complexity of the problem.

Its realism not reductionism. The covid virus is going no where. But at some point we need to stop with this horse shit. Do yourself a favour and book a week away and see how much the rest of the world cares anymore. Yes there are some rules in other countries that are currently being followed but outside of masks, locator forms and sitting at a table with service (the norm in most countries anyway) you wouldn’t know that there is a pandemic. The visual environment in ireland is ruined by yellow stickers everywhere, people throwing looks for not wearing masks, constant reminders in any public message and the general misery in people’s faces.

Simple as stop testing. No more goalposts to be moved.

Well if 1) the vaccine works now, 2) it mightnt work as well in the future 3) the best and most longlasting immunity is vaccination followed by infection, it might make sense to lead the virus spread a bit now and get symptom-free natural immunity to as many people as possible.


You’d want your head checked not to be going out getting Corona virus while the vaccine still protects you.

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The best form of immunity is natural immunity.


if you are double vaccinated you should be out trying to catch covid

We’re at nothing until we get those 3rd, 4th and 5th jabs into people.

Well of I knew we would get 90% vaxxed and still are talking about it I wouldn’t have bothered my hole getting it.

Ireland should be done.

Are lads still arguing about this? Its over.

You’re engaging in magical thinking.

And zero covid isn’t magical?

A breakthrough infection explanation for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

No. Zero Covid or aggressive suppression is very much a real world idea and has been implemented with great success and has saved many lives.

Whereas you propose that governments and public health authorities simply wish the pandemic away. That’s the sum of your ideas. Wish it away. You can’t do that. You can’t live in a fantasy world of make believe, in a gumdrop house on lollipop lane.

We’re living through the real “hold firm” now.


This post is hilarious. You accuse him of living in a fantasy world while you argue for a fantasy idea rejected across the world. Mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance off the charts. Some sort of subconscious projection of your own irrationality onto others going on. Fascinating to watch.