Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

So why did it actually work in practice?

You’re trying to rewrite history because you don’t like it.

What sort of a weirdo does that?

Australia and New Zealand continued to have cases after shutting down their borders so I would say it didn’t actually work. Also it contributed to the lack of interest in taking vaccines (the real thing that actually worked) as people didn’t see the need given the artificial existence they deemed they were living in.

Shutting down the borders, restrictions on travel, forcing people into the strictest of quarantine needlessly. Not very leftist principles there.


Ok pal, whatever makes you happy, you’re the magical man from happyland.

So what are the death tolls in Australia in New Zealand?

And if Australia and New Zealand had done what Ireland or perish the thought, the UK did, what would be their death tolls?

What’s the death toll in South Korea? What would it be if they’d done what we did?

That barb I aimed a few posts back (at another poster) really touched a raw nerve with you, didn’t it.

It did work by and large. It wouldn’t and couldn’t work here or elsewhere, it’s delusional to think otherwise and bizarre that anyone would be still going on about it. In any event, we are now at a completely different stage and zero covid is not even suitable for the places that had success with it any more, and so they’re trying to extract themselves from it now. Which makes it even more bizarre for anyone to be still going on about it. Anyone advocating zero covid at this stage is living in a fantasy world.


The sole aim of a Covid strategy can’t be to avoid deaths at all costs. Indeed there may well be other hidden deaths as a result of the harsh measures being imposed on the rest of the society.

I am not one of the OIUTF crowd but I believe in trying to balance this whole area. I know you have personal experience in relation to this and I can understand where you are coming from. Indeed seeing a hospital working up close recently shows me how these people, in terms of patients and staff, need to be protected at all times.

But the strategy that Australia in particular followed, and the issue they have now with little vaccine uptake, to me was excessive.

The ironing was delicious.

That’s the exact opposite of what you said in your previous posts. You bristled at the fact that it worked, and called it a “fantasy idea”.

I don’t want to be condescending, so I’ll stop there.

Ireland isn’t Australia, no matter how much you deny that reality. I’ll leave it there.

They’ve had more “freedom” than Ireland, with far less death. As have New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan etc.

Again, what would Australia’s death toll have been had they done what Ireland or the UK done?

Another mistake you make is to look at the pandemic from a primarily economic pint of view. Those who done that squarely failed, because they neglected the pesky pandemic part.

Correct here. Aussies wouldn’t take AZ until they were feared up. New Zealand gave away AZ too, pretending it was benevolence. Vaccination rates are lagging in several Australian States with a number of Premiers wanting higher vaccinations rates (90+ plus of eligible people), child vaccinations and potentially boosters before reopening.

Apples and oranges.

It’s a simple question. I’ll give you the answer. Had Australia had the same death rate as Ireland (and Ireland has actually been low enough by European standards) they would have had at least 25k dead.

Their death toll has been 1/25th that, and they’ve had way more freedom than us. Sure they’re going through a rough patch at the moment, but they’re far better set up for it than the rest of the world were, because now there are vaccines.

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70% will be hit next month.

80% in December.

I’d forget about 90%. Transporting the vaccine to bumfucknowhere in the summer heat will be nigh on impossible. It needs to be stored at -75c until an hour before vaccination. A logistical nightmare.

It’s no different to parts of Kerry. You just have to leave these animals to themselves.

Does Australia share a landmass with a different jurisdiction?

Different Australian states do. NSW had freedom while Victoria was locked down.

I find this “debate” hilarious.

I mean I only stated a mere fact earlier that the strategy had plenty of real world evidence that it worked. That seems to trigger a load of lads.

Sunken costs are a terrible thing.

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Children in Melbourne have had more school days lost than children in Ireland

Sure the schools in Ireland are not safe right now. You think it’s a good thing that kids up and down the country are being packed off every day to run the serious risk of getting Covid?

How are they? Only 31% of their population is fully vaccinated!!