Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

The experts deemed them to be safe. Should we not listen to the experts?

No it does not. It’s one of the most isolated, sparely populated landmasses on earth

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headshot GIF

How many of our population were vaccinated when Covid was running rampant in March 2020 and January 2021?

Vaccines were only out for barely a couple of months.

They’re the same experts you’ve been telling us not to listen to for as long as I can remember you posting.

For the record I think NPHET have done an OK job but I exercise a critical judgment over what they say.

The decision to open schools without masks is ultimately a government one. But Philip Nolan is talking bollocks when he says schools are safe. This is what happens when NPHET allows itself to be used as a mudguard, defending indefensible decisions.

Scotland has a similar vaccination rate to us. And their cases are through the roof. And schools are driving that.

Is it better to be hit with a Covid wave when you have 0% vaccinated or 31% vaccinated? Also Australia are now ramping up vaccination very quickly and will take a lot less time to get to 70% than we did.

It’s better with the 60 odd percent we had when Delta hit.

Western Australia would be in the top 10 largest countries in the world if it was a separate country. Perth is probably the most isolated city in the world.

The constant reseeding of Victoria by NSW is what would have happened in Ireland, except it would have been multiples of it given the Belfast to Dublin corridor of economic activity. It’s amazing how the charlatans managed to convince parties likes the Soc Dems, even the Shinners never committed to that.

Thread here. Probably a right wing nut job

What are those Trump loving Danes up to ?

Why didn’t this happen back at the start of the year like every other country?

How many people will die in the meantime?

You’re seriously claiming that Ireland, with five times the absolute number dead in a population five times less, and far longer lockdowns, did better than Australia?


What’s next? Ireland are doing better than Serbia in World Cup Qualification?


Those extra vaccines from Boris have been a blessing for you. Not sure why it took Morrison and co so long to get vaccines from abroad given Ireland were doing it in June. In fact Ireland really should have given the Aussies 100k or so to help as well given the number of Irish stranded there. The number of LinkedIn posts I’ve seen of Irish expats pleading with their fellow Aussies to get vaccinated so they can go home and see mum and dad have been incredible.

I still think Perth will be difficult. As the goal posts move, so will they. It’ll be child vaccination and boosters before they reopen next.

There was a point early this year when as you say most of opposition were calling for zero Covid, including full quarantine for all arrivals into the country.

There was a case of a man coming from Israel being stopped from visiting his dying father due to some issue with a vaccine cert. it was resolved.

Now the likes of Richard Boyd Barrett, who I would have had time for, was giving out about this situation but neglected to leave out the fact that he was advocating even more quarantine where such issues were bound to happen again - and many of them,

And what would be impact on that man missing his father’s death, his family etc. Grief down the line? It doesn’t bear thinking about.

You’re moving the goalposts now to criticism of Australia’s vaccine roll out as opposed to their public health measures.

Likely a lot, lot less people will die over the coming months in Australia than would have done so had the green jersey cheerleaders in Ireland had their way about what went on there.

Here you are twisting things all over the shop. No point carrying on.

Belfast is less than two hours from Dublin by car. Sydney and Melbourne are 9 hours non-stop by car.

Perth is to Sydney what Moscow is to London. Australia used their isolation well but to claim that would have worked in Ireland is fantasy (in my opinion). I think it’s telling that the likes of Iceland, for example, never pursued a zero-COVID policy.

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They are inextricably linked you clown. Indeed the vaccine roll out is part of public health measures.

It ain’t me that’s twisting… My posts are very consistent and clear headed. I suppose it helps when you have reality on your side as opposed to being a Stephen Kenny style apologist for failure.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy Australia is BOX OFFICE on TFK.