Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

ive noticed

can we fly home next summer?

We’re wiping down the runways in Sydney. They’ll be ready in December.

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They aren’t. They’re different things. In fact a point I’ve made several times here is that had Australia and New Zealand not been so generous in terms of allowing countries that needed vaccines more than they did that greater access to vaccine buy up, they’d have been called selfish, greedy, and likely racist by those who are utterly desperate to poke holes in their successful strategy.

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Perth cannot source doctors and hospitals are overflowing without Covid.

New Zealand also are seeing hospitals overflowing and basic Gp care failing due to doctor shortages

Actions have consequences, they are going to have to pay a pretty penny for doctors and nurses for years as nobody sane is going to want to live somewhere that you can be imprisoned in.

I guess the new found anti immigrants on the left will be cheering on the likes of Western Australian government using the fruits of climate change damage to try and entice workers from overseas.

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A great example here of how the loons who have been vilifying immigrants for years will stoop to anything in defence of let it rip.

The deliberately mendacious narrative of “if you don’t want to let Covid rip, you’re a racist” would almost be funny in a sort of Brass Eye satire way if wasn’t so genuinely creepy and insidious.

@Tim_Riggins was a massive Trump supporter, remember.

This is the real problem with ISAG. They set unrealistic expectations of ZC and put the focus on airports (when the virus was already widely seeded and would be reseeded) and schools (where children were low risk). Instead of the debate talking about high risk areas such as nursing homes and hospitals, the debate was focused there. Instead of focusing on ways to reopen society like with antigen, our news focus was on a nonsensical MHQ system in March and April.

The focus should have been on Denmark and what they were doing well- they being a near neighbour to us. They performed the best through Covid. Instead it was on how cousin Sean was having a BBQ in deserted Perth.

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There really isn’t.

Is this true? Irish schoolchildren missed the most school in Europe.

The perception has been that Australia has been open all this time, having great craic with life as normal going to rugby and Aussie rules matches and the likes. This certainly changes that.

Yes it’s true. They were in hard lockdown for 112 days between July and October 2020. They’re closing in on 40 days into their latest one, with two other 2 week ones in June and July as well.

Melbourne is the warning of how pursuing ZC with the threat of reseeding means you can end up in non stop lockdown. The selling point by WeCanBeZero was no yo yo lockdowns.

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Is it true that we missed the most schooldays in all of Europe? I hadn’t heard that

Disappointing reaction speed for the wagons here.

Schools were “closed” the longest anyway, although lost schooldays could be counted differently depending on how you look at it.

Ah no, I wasn’t looking to start anything, o know exactly what you meant.
But I didn’t know we were the longest out of school in Europe, it’s the kind of thing I thought I’d have heard

It’s hardly surprising, we were the longest with pretty much every aspect of restrictions in Europe.

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It will be Ireland or the U.K, likely Ireland given that we closed them earlier. Europe reopened their schools in late spring 2020 pretty much across the board. Different countries closed at various periods last winter but Ireland’s closure for 2.5 months (up to 3 for some) was as long as anyone else.

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I don’t think Qld missed any school

Seems to have worked in comparison to the North anyway.

A load of shite. They’re flat out testing, not an appointment to be had anywhere.

Do you need testing?

The young fella was sent home from school. 10 days off or support this carpet bagging charade. No appointments to be had, pcr in the post. An utterly fraud of an affront of a scam.