Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Not a great comparator really.

Seems like half the youngsters in schools are home now.

And they can’t afford to pay nurses? Conservatively speaking it’s the biggest scam ever witnessed


Comparing deaths in bordering (for the current purposes I’ll go along with) countries seems reasonable to me. But you’re entitled to your opinion and I’m not getting dragged into some weird statistical argument with anybody over it.

I don’t know how many threads there have been about Covid or how many posts there have been about it. Lads have been kicking each other up and down for 18 months now about it. Has anybody changes their mind? Has it made the slightest bit of difference? Some fellas take themselves far too seriously altogether.

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“I don’t want a weird statistical argument” as you introduce a weird statistical argument.

On average 90 people die in Ireland and 45 in Northern Ireland each day (don’t know why the death rate in NI is higher, older population I assume), so 135 deaths a day on the island. How is 4 of those deaths from the leading respiratory disease around at present an indication of failure? Even without Covid, 16 people a day die each day on the island from respiratory diseases.

To put it into perspective on the island of Ireland 40 people a day die of cancer and 40 people a day die from heart related conditions, combined that’s 16 times the current Covid daily death rate.

But Covid.


That and the fact that we all die.

Cases fall in Limerick and Cork in aftermath of All Ireland Final.
Wonder if the Mid West Health PR machine will congratulate the young people for this.


What the fuck is with the border counties, is it the red diesel fumes?

How many posts do you reckon you’ve made on Covid? And you say “But Covid” :rofl:

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The Nordies are riddled

I’m the Covid moderator mate, have some respect.


You’re a Presbyterian?

We need to stop testing

No Surrender!

Mu is going to fuck us up.

Can it bate ivermectin?!

Do you think will there be further restrictions introduced next month?

Where? In Ireland? No, hopefully not.

Very efficient, arrived today. Should only take a couple more days to find out of my dog has covid