Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Just imagine we did mass flu testing every winter and arbitrarily assigned deaths to flu irrespective of age or underlying health conditions.

It might result in mass flu deaths every winter and huge hysteria.

Would the flu deniers like Sidney and Mike Hunt have a different take?


The biggest overreaction in history

Look, if you have/had lost someone to this Disease within your family or just someone close to you you wouldnā€™t be so flippant.


So why is alright for people to deny flu?

It kills. Or are you a flu denier?

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They estimate deaths from flu every year. If you stopped thinking out loud, you might not look so stupid.

The covid fanatics repeatedly stomp on the faces of all those who have died of the flu. Their deaths matter less for some strange reason.

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They estimate?

They never designed a test for flu, carried out mass testing of it and arbitrarily assigned deaths based on a positive test within a defined period irrespective of if they were actually the cause of death.

It feels like Iā€™m repeating myself as youā€™ve done nothing to actually address my question.

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Funny that.


Apart from the testing bit they do exacty what you want to happen. Not sure where you get the idea that Iā€™m a flu denier, as Iā€™ve informed you before, I get the yearly flu vaccine to help stop the spred of the virus. Iā€™d be good at thinking of others. You should try it sometime. Instead of giving out all the time you might stop and think ā€œhey, other people have it far worse than I have, what am I giving out aboutā€


Do you think the fact they donā€™t bother to test and therefore canā€™t arbitrarily assign deaths to positive cases in a defined period a bit of giant chasm on your position?

I aways thought the old ā€œflu kills more people than Covidā€ was an idiotic assumption when the numbers stated for flu fatalities was just guesswork. How and ever I acknowledge flu does kill people and do my bit to stop the spread by taking the annual vaccine (somehow you consider this to be a flu denier).

You seem unable or unwilling to address the issue.

You have a few issues buddy, which one do you want me to address?


The ā€œlet it ripā€ attitude for the flu for nearly a century has been absolutely vile. Where were the flu vaccine passports? How did we allow children get an education?

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Cc @Tim_Riggins

I thought that was going to be a gamechanger.

The absence of testing for flu and how you never had any issue with it running riot every year and causing mass deaths and huge strain on the heath service.

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@Tierneevin1979 owes the forum a bigly explanation here. (Someone tell @iron_mike to come out from under the bed)

Moo for now is a variant of interest like Eta, Iota, Kappa and Lambda and not a variant of concern like Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma. That could change at a momentā€™s notice, somehow I donā€™t think Chise will be the one to inform us if it does.
