Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

There is absolutely nothing to suggest that there is any greater risk of effects magically appearing years later in the Covid vaccine than any other vaccine. Maybe the CDC have to cover their own arses by saying itā€™s not impossible but just extremely unlikely but any expert in the world would tell you that itā€™s not going to happen.

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I would hazard a guess @the_man_himself new found self assurance and expertise on vaccines comes from reading one article on the internet. Itā€™s about the third search result of ā€˜long term effects of vaccinesā€™ and uses similar terminology.


Gas cunts

I love the way youā€™re so triggered it by it. :laughing:

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They donā€™t say itā€™s impossible, they say there are no data. In others words no studies done and too early to tell. Once again no expert would say it is impossible or itā€™s not going to happen, especially when no studies have been done. You are talking through your hole.

Why would health professionals (experts) be concerned about autoimmune diseases?

Luke Oā€™Neill said these jabs were 100% effective sure.

A man of fierce integrity and science.

Luke Oā€™Neill is a top scientist, one of Irelandā€™s best. Iā€™m pretty sure he would not say vaccines are 100% effective but throw up a source if you have it.

Not a fucking hope Luke Oā€™Neil ever said that
No vaccine has ever been 100%, Iā€™m pretty sure he would know that

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There you go @backinatracksuit


He said that they are 100% effective as in the way someone would say ā€œThey are definitely effectiveā€ not in the way that he meant that they have 100% efficacy which he would obviously never say.

On the vaccines, Iā€™m not going to get into it with you as you are clearly better read in this area than me and maybe Iā€™m wrong to say that effects showing up year later are ā€œimpossibleā€ but it has simply never happened before and extremely unlikely to happen this time no matter if its a new vaccine or not.

If people are worried about vaccine side effects they should be worried about the first few days in most cases and first few months at worst.

Well that was stupid of him.

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Heā€™s an ape, mate.

Iā€™ll go further actually - heā€™s a liar and a total cunt.

@backinatracksuit , any thoughts on Lukes tweet above???

Did you read the article in the tweet mate? Luke is quoting (see quotation marks) a study of 12,000 people in which the Covid vaccine was 100% effective in preventing death

He didnā€™t say that mate, heā€™s quoting a headline from an article he referenced

And there is a figure of speech at play there in any case, the article does not say that that the vaccine works perfectly every time, but Iā€™m sure you know that already


He is a lying cunt, mate.

Isnt he supposed to be an expert. He is blatantly lying there.

Well as a scientist he could have used better language. Vaccine effectiveness in the real world is always lower than vaccine efficacy calculated during clinical trials. February was a little early for him to make strong claims on effectiveness.

As we have seen the vaccines are very good at reducing hospitalizations and deaths, for at least six months or longer. After six months it looks like there will be a need for booster shots for the vulnerable, although itā€™s not definitive as yet.

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Heā€™s quoting a study, hence the quotation marks. Just because you are not clued in enough to see the quotation marks and the link in the tweet and try to connect the dots does not mean he is lying

Can we all just agree that Luke didnā€™t write that article

And are we happy that whoever did wasnā€™t suggesting that every vaccine works every time, because for somebody who is supposed to know about these things to suggest that would be insane,

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