Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Do all other vaccines remain and work in the general location of the injection? Is it unusual that the spike protein turns up elsewhere in the bodyā€¦moreso in the ovaries than the testes apparently, or so Iā€™ve read? What evidence is there that this isnā€™t having an effect on fertility etc? I believe pregnant women were excluded from the trials?
I havenā€™t a clue tbh

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Fair enough mate. Look that Luke Oā€™Neill lad ia a spooferā€¦if he gives you a bit of comfort in his daily piece on Newstalk or whatever, fair enough.

That lad also said masks were no use in April 2020 on the LLS.

He is untrustworthy and has skin in the game financially obviously through his new business.

Poor ol @The_Most_Infamous, itā€™s been a tough time for him lads, go easy. Weā€™re all gods children


I rarely look at any current affairs news anymore and havenā€™t heard Luke Oā€™Neill speak in a long time. He has however always been positive about the vaccines as a way out which is a lot better than most of the other doctors and academics in the public eye trying to keep their profile by scaremongering


Luke Oā€™Neill has always been positive about vaccines alright.

I wonder why that is?


I told you before youā€™ll be getting your booster soon you little cunt.

In fairness, lockdowns are all the one to you :grinning:


Thereā€™s been trials of pregnant women done now and there has been no added risk found and now most countries are allowing pregnant women to get the vaccine

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Whatā€™s your point? He sold his company last year, before any vaccines were announced as being effective

Thatā€™s not a very comprehensive answer. Iā€™ll have to ask tracksuit to consult his daughter on your behalf

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Which company, mate?

Google it

You make an argument you need to back it up kid.

Youā€™re all over the place here.

I didnā€™t make any argument. You were implying that he would have an ulterior motive for promoting vaccines as the answer


Youā€™re caught spoofing now.

What company, mate?

You need to read more carefully. No one here is trying to harm you or run you down. We want to help you. You need help. Let people help you.

Still waiting for clarification on this one?

Grand. You canā€™t back up what you claimed.

No worries pal.

Pfizer this time or will go rogue with Moderna kid?