Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Did you click the link? It tells you the answer.

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Why do you insist on calling people kid? Is it some sort of trauma thing?

Pfizer or Moderna, I suppose you’ll mix it up again on your 4th jab.

Simon says and all that. Good man.

Can you paste it properly, I wasnt clicking on that tbh.

Why so angry? Who hurt you?

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Or you could google it yourself. I’m trying to help you for future reference


Fuck off you weird little cunt.

So much anger and abuse. Why? No one here is against you. Leave the big tough man act at the door, it doesn’t suit you.

Your link there wasnt working for me pal,

I was thinking more so of this one and to be fair it could be considered a slight conflict of interest.

Not a major one granted but the guys funding that are close to the aul Big Pharma corps I would think.

Tremendous collaboration.

Once again, you are diving in at the deep end making definitive conclusions that you could not possibly know.

How many MRNA vaccines have been launched before?
How many vaccines have been fastracked in this manner before?

Your naivety and gullible nature is utterly astounding.

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Frustrated World Cup GIF


He’s not very bright.

I’ve highlighted the point to him numerous times, but he just repeats the same stock phrase that does hold up to any reasonable level of scrutiny.

That’s just utter bullshit.

You’re incredibly naive.

As I asked you weeks ago, how would you possibly any of the things you are so confidently and definitively stating?

Trials of vaccines using MRNA technology have been happening since at least 2011 apparently

The vaccine was able to be fast tracked because the MRNA platform had already been used for other vaccines which were under trial.

I didn’t ask about trials did I?

So the answer to my questions were.

No MRNA vaccines launched before.
No mass vaccination campaign fast tracked in this manner before.

So there is zero basis for you definitive claims.

So firstly you say that the vaccine has been fast tracked and now you’re saying that 10 years of human trials is not long enough to ensure safety. If you had your way they might develop a vaccine in 2050

You’re clutching big times now. Trials started little over 12 months ago on the Covid vaccine so it’s a bizarre take to try and pretend Covid 19 vaccines were 10 years in development.

This was the first MRNA vaccine launched on the public. Trials that were in development for far longer that these vaccines did not pick up on side effects previously.

Your position here defies logic and sensibility.

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Only EUA authorised as there was no other medicine that could treat the virus.

Its a pity the FDA, EMA and NIAC werent aware of Ivermectin - a noble prize winner from 2015.

Suppose since it’s a generic medicine it wouldnt be as profitable.

Pfizer and the lads wouldnt think that way though surely…


Name a credible one in the public eye who is saying this. Robert Malone, Tess Lawrie and the rest of the Ivermectin grifters don’t count.

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Hon the IMF, they have everyones best interest at heart of course.

June piece, but still worth a look.