Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

What particular conspiracy are you alleging here?

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Not a conspiracy at all.

The fact that you make that connection is interesting though. Are you not fond of the IMF?

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Well clearly you think thereā€™s some sort of conspiracy involving the IMF given that you saw fit to mention them, and then sarcastically said ā€œthey have everyoneā€™s best interests at heart of courseā€.

So what is it?

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Did you read the piece?

There is no conspiracy there.

CNBC are hardly spouting misinformation now are they?

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But your message clearly implies there is one.

Otherwise there is no point to your post.

Ok, you didnt bother reading it.

Or do you have any view on what the head of the IMF had to say with regards to vaccines?

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With no data to draw on as yet no credible health professional would make a public statement. Doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t privately express concerns. 30% of patients with autoimmune diseases are vaccine hesitant, including obviously many health professionals with these conditions. Anyone making a definitive statement on this subject should be disregarded as according to the CDC there are no data as yet on the safety of Covid vaccines for those with autoimmune diseases, although there are studies ongoing. The recent clinical trials for 12-18 years olds in the US excluded children with autoimmune diseases for this reason.

So itā€™s a grey area until there is data, and the risk profile varies with age group and health. So for example a 70 year old with RA should definitely get a vaccine as the risk from Covid greatly outweighs the risk from a vaccine. But on the other end of the spectrum a teenager with juvenile RA has a very low risk from Covid, so not an obvious black and white answer, as much as you would like one.

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What the lady from IMF said about vaccines was contained in the headline in the link. The IMF are, quite sensibly, supportive of vaccination roll out across the world.

What is your problem with that?

And why bring the IMF into this in the first place?

Whatā€™s the conspiracy?

I asked you to name a credible individual in the public eye who is saying what you are saying.

You have produced precisely nobody.

I just thought it was a bit odd for them to come out advocating for vaccines globally when Iā€™d assume thatā€™s not their field of expertise.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong.

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I happen to interact with a significant number of health professionals through my work, and know a lot more socially. It is the #1 issue I hear about, obviously mostly from those that either have autoimmune diseases or have been tested and have the genetic markers for autoimmune diseases.

Once again, nobody credible is going to make a public statement when there are no data. Not everyone has the need to be a Twitter celebrity.

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Have you considered that they have listened to people who are experts? As any sensible person/people would?

Perhaps you might consider doing the same?

I asked you to name one credible person. One.

Who is expressing ā€œconcernsā€.

You have produced none. Now get stuffed.

I could name at least a dozen credible medical professionals, but as you would undoubtedly start a Twitter campaign to get them fired I think that would be unwise.

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Youā€™re off your rocker.

If you truly believe what you and these people who supposedly back you up say, well then by definition you must believe they are all utter cowards, because not a single one is prepared to their name to such ā€œconcernsā€.

The only people who have so far put their names to ā€œconcernsā€ about the vaccine programme are all certifiable crackpots with a proven record of lying and spreading a false worldview. Theyā€™re propaganda merchants.

And as for bullying, well, the anti-vaccine, pro-Ivermectin cultists have that market sewn up.

Yes absolutely they should be willing to sacrifice their jobs and careers because useless wankers like you demand it. Of course they should.

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But anti-science loons everywhere have not had to do that. They continue in their jobs.

And if the people you refer to truly believe the vaccines will cause the catastrophe for humanity they predict, they should be blowing the whistle with every fibre of their being.

They are entirely free to do so. But that would require them to make a credible case. Which could be a problem.

Neither is your own stance on vaccines credible. Several times on here you have floated these doomsday theories. If you even suspect they could be correct, it is not tenable to be in favour of the vaccine roll out. The only honest position would be to demand an immediate halt to the vaccine roll out. Which you donā€™t do.

You do not hold an honest position.

Utterly insane bullshit, bordering on psychosis. Have a lie down and try and untangle your neurons.

I am pro vaccine and pro Covid vaccines. Nobody credible including myself is predicting catastrophe, that does not preclude one from having concerns. Unless one is a black and white psychotic who is 100% convinced of their opinions even though they lack any education or background in the subject matter.

If there were no concerns why would the recent clinical trials for 12-18 year olds exclude those with autoimmune disorders? Why would the CDC put a statement on their website that there are no data on safety for those with autoimmune disorders? No need to exclude the former and no need for the latter statement surely if you are correct.

But you are not correct as you are a pompous idiot flailing away mindlessly out of their depth. I know several health professionals who lost their jobs for bringing up concerns that later turned out to be correct, for example that surgical masks do not protect people from Covid infection and demanding better protection. Science proved them correct, after they lost their jobs though.

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Great. You ā€œknowā€ people. And you have a mean line in personal abuse. And projection. And conspiracy theories by the barrelful.

Not exactly a persuasive combination, is it?

Masks work, by the way. The right wing culture war you are all in on is a war on reality.