Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

Is it possible for you to write a sentence without the term right wing culture wars?


Itā€™s great that it riles you up. Some sense of embarrassment and shame creeping in, perhaps?

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One in seven children get Long Covid. Why would you dismiss this?

In Mississippi, child deaths from Covid in the last 45 days have exceeded that of the past 17 months.

Why would you dismiss this?

Iā€™m not dismissing it at all, we are dealing with relative risk. The vast majority of children have mild symptoms from Covid.

Lingering symptoms like tiredness are quite common after a bout of a respiratory disease. I would certainly chose a child experiencing tiredness for a few months over a child developing juvenile RA.

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The relative risk clearly says millions of unvaccinated children catching Covid is the big one we want to avoid.

Both as regards themselves and as regards populations at large.

I have no issue with vaccinating children who do not have autoimmune diseases or a family history of autoimmune diseases. When there are studies on the safety risks of those with autoimmune diseases or the markers for autoimmune diseases I will reconsider.

You were saying one in eight a month or two ago, which is it? In addition, I think another poster posted up stats that showed incidence of long covid to be much smaller than that, albeit in an limited age group as opposed to all children.

I think itā€™s one in eight for younger children and one in seven for 11-17 year olds.

People can believe what they want.

You certainly do anyway.

My clear headed, sensible posts on Covid wind you up no end. You should work out why that is.

Ah, itā€™s all an elaborate wind up. Makes sense.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything of the elaborate wind up about your posts on Covid. More the dumb version.

Sure pal. Lock up the foreigners!

Exactly the sort of dumbness I was talking about. But sure keep proving my point.

How do they measure Long Covid in under 10s?

Whatā€™s the baseline.

Our 12 year old got vaccinated. My palā€™s 11 year old has Covid. Iā€™m not sure either of them are more or less at risk.

They complain of being tired when itā€™s time for homework.


The nomenclature of Long Covid is revealing. All viruses leave people tired afterwards but we have no Long Glandular Fever.


One in ten people with childhood glandular fever suffer long term fatigue. I know a man in his 60s who has regular bouts of CAEBV, completely wiped out for a few days.

I had GF when I was younger. I was wiped out for about six months.

Unfortunately my antibody test has come back negative. In the interests of clutching at straws, could I still have had covidā€¦?