Coronavirus Thread (sponsored by Anthony Fauci & Pfizer) (Part 5)

I had it after the 2013 semi final defeat to Clare. It’s an awful dose


Unlikely, you need to try harder.

Stop taking the ivermectin, pal. It’s giving you too much protection.

I thought the bloodiest was but a superficial affair, one incapable of defecting the real meat in the sandwich…t cell immunity!

We actually didn’t lock up any foreigners last night (well for MHQ anyway) but reassuringly for the zero-Covid set there are 3 set to be locked up tonight

Follow the money.

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Cases are plateauing, testing is increasing and schools are facing a surge in cases :man_shrugging:

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Great mark up on those PCR tests.

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Sick brag about getting the shift in Coppers :wink:

ModeRNA ModeRNA ModeRNA!

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With this sort of racist zero tolerance approach we must surely have one of the lowest infection rates in Europe?

Did you end up marrying her?

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I’d like to see the data on age, comorbidities, vaccination status, etc. before providing an assessment.

Before supporting or dismissing it, I’d like to see the data behind this assertion, and I’d also like to compare it against a backdrop of a historical time series of all cause mortality over an appropriate period, say between 10 and 20 years.

Coronavirus vaccines have historically shown good protection in lab settings for the test animals. It’s when they’re exposed to a wild coronavirus that all hell starts to break loose.

Yes, they have primarily been wearing face coverings to counteract air pollution and allergens.

What we are talking about here is wearing a face covering (most of which are not fabricated to any standard) in the hopes that it will protect against an airborne pathogenic virus, especially the smaller inhalable particles that studies have pointed to as being largely responsible for transmission. I’m sorry, but this is a fallacy. A cloth mask or face covering does very little to prevent the emission or inhalation of airborne pathogenic viruses.

The Covid vaccines are showing excellent protection in the real world. Are you denying this?

We have real world evidence of what happens when you let the virus spread in an unvaccinated population. It mutates into more damaging forms.

As regards all cause mortality, do you think a high level of Covid in the community, and especially when there is a high level of Covid in the community among unvaccinated populations, improves or disimproves healthcare for those who are suffering from non-Covid health problems?

But evidence from all over the world disproves this. Mask wearing when done at a population level is a clear help in preventing mass spread of Covid. It isn’t foolproof, far from it, and you need other measures too, but it’s a clear help.

The hangover after dose 2 seems to be worth it.

You’d need that scientist fella with the bubble and the ankle tags to really tell us what’s best for kids. Risk of myocarditis between 2 and 10 thousand now? It’s dropping rapidly in fairness

The JCVI are far right and you don’t need to be an expert to figure out that Dr Hoenderkamp is obviously a Nazi.

She probably ate her own children weeks ago so she probably shouldn’t even be calling herself a mother